Chapter 17

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I Dare You

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I Dare You


"CAN I GET THAT ONE RIGHT THERE?" I asked Eren, the bodyguard assigned to me since I could possibly be a target for rival mafia's if they just happened to know about me and my relationship with Roman.

Eren's a very sweet woman though, massive too. She towered over my 5'9 figure by 3 inches. I wonder what I would be like to look at from her perspective. She could literally be a basketball player.

She reached up and grabbed the pinkish-colored fabric I needed to make the dress of my dreams. But I also made a plan b in case this dress didn't work or I just happen to fudge it up.

I grabbed the red fabric and Eren looked at me weirdly, "Wasn't it supposed to be a pinkish color?"

"This is plan B, Incase plan A doesn't work out" I held it up and she nodded slowly, she took the red fabric from my hand and put it in the cart. A familiar song started playing inside the store and I wanted to burst into tears.

"I could lose my heart tonight...If you don't go and walk away" I sang along with the lyrics feeling the different textures run through my fingertips.

"I could fall in love...with you" I dumped a few pincushions into the cart and Eren just pushed it along scrolling through something on her phone.

"I can only wonder how touching you...would make me feel" Eren's eyes peered up for a moment and did a double-take when I sang more of the lyrics. I wasn't a tremendously talented singer, I couldn't hit high notes like Ariana Grande but I consider myself decent.

"So I should...keep this to myself and never let you go" I held a pin kit with strawberry-shaped pins and threw them in the cart and Eren let out a breath when she saw them.

"You know this song?" She raised an eyebrow and I nodded, "My mother came from Mexican origin so Spanish music was always played around me, I never learned it though, nobody ever spoke it around me since I grew up in France"

She listened and nodded.

"I could love with you, baby" I continued to sing and even bop my head to the beat until the song ended.

"I just thought you were just a wild animal after I heard what you did to Vera, I like you a bit more now" I smiled wide at her comment and I clapped my hands softly. Eren was a beautiful woman, she covered her body with oversized suits but her dark hair, tan skin, and brown eyes brought out her true beauty.

"I think I'm done" I looked at the filled cart with a grimace, I was spending so much money.

"This won't even make a tear in his pocket, dear" Eren smiled as she piled the things on the counter the cashier swiping the things at a fast pace.

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