Chapter 8

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What The Heck Is Going On?

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What The Heck Is Going On?

TW: Talk of Incecurites, Depression, and Eating Disorders

I ALWAYS PUT OTHERS before myself, but I couldn't care less about myself at this instant. I knew nothing about pregnancy nor have I experienced anything like it. Lina was currently throwing up inside the toilet and making horrid noises I'd rather not hear.

I sat behind her holding her hair praying to God that the twins wouldn't wake up at this moment. She finally stopped and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. She got up and brushed her teeth eliminating the smell of barf and took a shower.

I woke up earlier than her and took a shower myself so I was already dressed in a navy blue blouse with black slacks and some normal black shoes.

"Why do you always have the best outfits?" Lina said exiting the bathroom with just a silk dark purple button-up and black slacks as all the other maids wore. Her bump wasn't showing just yet but I can definitely see it being there within a few weeks.

I shrugged as I was putting on earrings, "I just throw on what looks good"

"Well you look beautiful, are you wearing it for a special someone...?" Lina wiggled her eyebrows and my face heated up at who she was implying.

"No, I'm not" I exited the room and headed to the nursery passing who Lina and I call the devil's spawn. Candice.

"I see you're finally doing something with that paycheck" I didn't know whether to take that as a compliment or not.

"What is it? Prada?" She laughed and walked away, "As if you'd be able to afford that"

I'll just take it as a compliment. It might've been backhanded but it made me grin slightly. I continued my way to the nursery and when I entered Sage was already up jumping on his bed with the biggest smile.

"Someone woke up happy" I picked him up and placed him on the changing table changing his diaper saving the bath for when he really needed it. I placed him in a little gray onesie and went to the kitchen to feed him.

So far the days I've been here hadn't been hectic at all, the twins were the highlight of my day. Sometimes seeing and talking to Roman was also a joy but I'd never say that out loud. I placed him in his highchair before rushing to find Lina.

I was passing the front door when the door broke open and a tall man grabbed my throat pressing cold steel to my temple..."WHERE IS ROMAN VAUGHN?" He said in an accent I couldn't place. It sounded Russian.

Alexandro came running down the stairs with a gun in his hand, my eyes widened when I realized what was on my temple. I shook in fear but tears stayed in my eyes.

"What the hell is going on?!" I screamed and the man squeezed my throat tighter, "SHUT UP!"

I let out a shaky breath and stayed quiet, his grip let loose but still able to control me by the gun pointed to my head. I was relatively calm considering the situation, "Let the girl go, Valero, she has nothing to do with this"

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