Chapter 2

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The Interview

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The Interview

"YES RIGHT THERE!"...I banged on the keyboard ruthlessly.

I pointed to the computer where I was playing Bedwars with Bren on a facetime call, "WHAT? WHERE?"

"BEHIND YOU!" I groaned frustrated when Brendan failed to kill the person behind him heading to get our bed and killing me along with it, "You're absolutely ass at this" I rolled my eyes.

To be honest I should be working on rebuilding the boutique but I've gone completely bankrupt except for the remaining 2,000 dollars in my account. But this is New York, even a salad costs 15 dollars everywhere plus I had to buy groceries and pay rent plus bills.

"Parker is calling me, so I'll catch you later?" Bren's voice knocked me out of my thinking and I nodded hanging up on him after saying a short "Bye" and till this moment I had declined any offerings from Bren stating how I needed to do this on my own and I couldn't depend on him every time I needed money.

My finger hovered over the contact 'Dad' until a knock at my door stops my pondering and I head to it opening it to find a newspaper on the floor as well on the floors of my neighbors. I shrugged and took it as an opportunity to find jobs.

I threw it on the kitchen dining table and grabbed a water bottle sliding over to it and snapping the ribbon on it. I unfolded it till it expanded to its full extent, my eyes glide over it,

"Free Boob Jobs! Only 50 bucks!" I sure laughed at that.

"Win a free tour of Hawaii!" ...Not what I'm looking for.

"Billionaire Roman Vaughn looks for the perfect babysitter to sit his adorable twins! Head to this address for an interview, make sure to bring your ID to identify yourself and a full resume!" I quickly grabbed a small notepad from the kitchen drawer and wrote down the address. I didn't know if it were true or not but I had to take my chances.

He's a billionaire so he must pay good right?

I didn't know who he was though, I mean the name sounds familiar but it doesn't ring any bells. 

I reached into the cabinet and took out a jar of my gummies, eating about 5 of them before putting them back, 'Melatonin Gummies' came into my view and suddenly I started feeling sleepy.

"UGH! Curse those delicious gummies" I stumbled over to my bedroom crashing the door open and immediately closing the curtains so complete darkness could absorb the room. I crawled under the covers and fell into a deep sleep almost immediately.


I was running through the garden when a limo had crossed past my view, I wondered who it was.

"Maman, qui est dans la limousine?" (Mama, who is in the limo?)

"Ton futur Mari" She smiles warmly at me and continues to pat the ground making it flat around the sharp thorned rose. (Your future husband)

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