Chapter 31

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Out Of Time

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Out Of Time


Or so I thought. Because I had heard something I shouldn't have...


I bit into the apple in my hand while playing a page out of the word search book.

"Blackmail is vertical, left side" Brendan mentioned over my shoulder pointing to it. I thank him and circle it.

Vera comes across my view when she opens the fridge taking out a bottle of water. I only glance at her.

She looks suspicious, or it just could be my jealousy. I wait till she leaves the kitchen, I plant my apple and drop the pencil in my hand matching her way upstairs.

I stop behind a wall when she enters her bedroom where Roman was, "Why are you packing? It's the twin's birthday" She spoke.

Why would he be packing?

"Business" Was all he said before she scoffed.

"Business? Seriously? It's bad enough you're leaving me with your jealous ex"

I wasn't jealous!...that much.

"I'll tell you this once, we aren't anything...this is all a lie until everything is under control. Don't get any hopes up"

The only part I heard was that it was all a lie. But until what was under control? What needed to be under control?

I hear her huff and steps head my way, I instantly panicked. I looked towards my side and saw a storage closet. I stuffed myself beside the brooms and mops till she passed the hallway.

I had so many questions...but that was until Roman's next words.

"-Get my best men and Alexandro on the plane, we're going to France"

Oh my god...he was going to kill my father. That would be the only reason he would go to France.

I decided to make my presence know and lean against the door frame of the open door, "And why are you going to France?"

He turned around at the sound of my voice he looked he wanted to tell me something but couldn't.

"Company business if you must know" He tossed another shirt into the duffel bag.

"Oh stop lying. I know you're going to kill my father" I casually said, his eyebrows raised.

"How do you know?"

"I didn't, I just needed you to confirm it" His mouth gaped, and just nodded.

"I'm not going to stop you, but I'll give you a warning. He's a well-calculated man, Roman" I pushed off the door frame growing closer to him "Maybe as soon as your jet hits the soil of my home, he'll know"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝟏𝟖+] - ✓Where stories live. Discover now