Chapter 15

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Ms. Independent 


Just a teeny tiny bit? Yup.

I just don't like it when people offer money or offer to do something for me. I hated taking money from people, I only do it when I know I'll be able to return it. 

I'll never be able to give the amount of a whole boutique back to Roman! 

I sat up in my bed waiting for the early bird named Sage to cry so I could go and pick him up, but I've had this design in my head for the longest time. 

It was a satin nude-colored spaghetti strap dress, I had already sketched it but I had no supplies to actually make it of course. 

The familiar cries of Sage Vaughn filled my ears and I closed my sketchbook stuffing it inside the box under my bed that was filled with the rest of my sketchbooks over the years. 

I rushed to the nursery and he calmed down as soon as he saw me, I wiped his wet cheeks and filled them with kisses. I quickly bathed him and changed him into a cute little button-up shirt and stretchy jeans. 

"You're getting so big" He laid his head on my shoulder as I made my way down. It was early but maids still ran around cleaning. 

"Bonjour, Judas" I greeted the oldest member of the staff. She was like a mother figure to all the girls here. She always gave the best advice and saw everything.

"Good Morning, Ellowyn" She wiped the baby chair so I could put Sage in it.

"Can you feed him while I go wake up Karah?" She smiled and nodded, I hurried and woke up Karah by rubbing her back softly. She let out gurgled sounds but she was delighted to see me. 

"Sorry for waking you up, Princesse" I cooed as she yawned. (Princess)         

I dug through her drawers and took the first shirt and pair of leggings I saw, it wasn't until I put the shirt on her I saw what was on it. 

It directly said in bold words, 'Of course I'm cute, look at my daddy" 

I had a good laugh with that one. I carried her downstairs to where her twin brother was eating tiny pieces of pancake. They both screamed when they saw each other. 

I always wished I had a sibling, I was an only child because originally I was the mistake of a drunken night. My parents didn't want any children because they didn't want any sexual relations between themselves. 

But then I was. Born on April 13th, 1999. In an unfamiliar world full of immorality.     

I fed the twins and decided to let them play with each other before that went horribly wrong, "No! Sage don't pull her hair!" 

I froze when I realized I'd yelled at him, his bottom lip pulled out and began to wobble, "Aw no! Please don't cry" His screams filled the house and I groaned lowly. 

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