••• 오십사 ~ gone now. •••

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Any minute now, any minute.

Your eyes strayed to the door. You were wearing nylon pants and a jumper but you could feel your knees trembling violently, the anticipation killing you.

"I'll let you go with him."

Yoongi's deep voice rang in your ears, and your memory returned to that moment. Your thoughts had raced haphazardly. Was it a trick? A lie? Had he finally lost it? Or perhaps...was he sincere? Had he had his fun with you and now there was no point anymore?

Your brain had hardly been able to piece through it. After all, you were only 17. You had never been in a serious relationship before....not like this.

So how would you go from here?

"You....you don't care anymore?" you had said finally, after a minute of him staring at you, waiting for an answer. "You don't care if I stay or go? You won't...." You wanted to say hunt me down but you were afraid of his reaction.

"I won't follow, if that's what you were going to say," Yoongi answered, face flat as always. "You can go. Whatever it takes...." He turned his head away from you and you caught a hint of wavering. "I tried my best."

You didn't reply. You could tell he wasn't fully invested in what he was saying. And as much as you hated to say it, you felt sorry to him. But when you thought of what he had done...the people he had hurt and killed, the way he had violated you....

"I'll go," you said, standing. "I want to see my family again--and my friends. You remember them, don't you? Back when we first met?" Tears began to well in your eyes. "I liked you back then, depyonim. When I thought you were a kind and considerate boss. When you came to the cafe to apologize....I thought you were a good person back then. I thought it would be nice to work for you."

Yoongi remained still, but you saw his lips purse, ever so slightly.

"I want to go back to that," you decided, instinctively reaching for his hand. He let you hold it there, fingers limp in yours. "Please, depyonim. Let's start over. Let's put this all behind us and go back to the people we used to be. Nobody has to go to jail or get...get upset."

It took a few minutes for him to speak, but when he did, the sadness was gone from his face.

"I will go to him. Stay here and wait."

And here you were.

Dawn had not yet broken, so the sea was a black expanse outside your window. You knew land was near--today was the day you were set to arrive. And yet...the prospect of seeing Hoseok again seemed too far away to be real.

"We're going to be free soon, Harry-a," you whispered to him within your arms, hugging his warm body against you. "We won't have to live imprisoned anywhere. We're going to be free to have a future."


Smiling yet on the verge of tears, you kissed his tiny head.

"Yes Harry-a, I'm here."

The meow came again, and it was then you realized it was in response to the sound of footsteps outside in the hall. Your body froze, and you forgot to breathe.

And then the knob turned, slowly, almost hesitatingly.

"G....Gummy bear?"

You were up and running to the door in seconds. Tearing it open, you could hardly believe your eyes.

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