• 이 ~ kitten •

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Here we go again.

Five times you had heard the producers or director guy signal the camera. Five times you had felt it pan back and forth behind you, probably getting a nice fat shot of some unshaven patch of leg hair exposed by a badly chosen skirt.

And in HDR too. God y/n , what were you thinking, coming here? You should've just stayed home and watched reality TV crack, stuffed your face, killed time on Animal Crossing, not this ! Not THIS!
Not for Kim Namjoon!

Ugh, just the sound of his name brought back those three stupid words he had said to you the second you had confessed:




Not yes, not no but I'm sorry? you thought, giving 0 fucks and just straight up glaring at the canvas as the camera swooped by behind you. You stupid jerk, why couldn't you just say no? I like another girl? I'm not ready for a relationship right now? Why did you have to make me feel like I'm a burden to you, that I'm someone who makes you want to apologize, that there's no other reason stopping you from liking me except~~

And that was when your foot slipped.

You felt the bottom before you even realized you were falling. The paint was next, thick as mayonnaise and just as flattering, dredging your legs, arms, neck and part of your face in a sticky mess as you sunk deeper into the vat.




"I'm—I'm sorry," you stammered, turning behind you to see a sea of faces, just staring and staring and making your cheeks go redder with each passing second. "I didn't mean to, I—I—just suddenly forgot and—my head and—"

"Are you hurt?" one of the camera crew rushed forward then, face filled with concern. Three girls with paper towels were next.

"Oh my, are you ok?"

"Did you slip? Is your ankle twisted?"

"Oh dear, you've hit your head hard too. Here, take this towel for now--"

"I'm fine," you assured them, bowing apologetically as they fussed about you "I'm fine, I'm fine, really--"

"Why don't we get you to the bathroom?"

And they ushered you out before you could say another word, your thoughts still spinning from the impact.



I heard them.

I knew them.

I felt the rush of people around me but somehow I couldn't move.

All I could do was stare at her.

The shock and humiliation in her eyes, the way she bowed as if every tragedy in the world was her fault. Her hands, covered in red, that quickly tucked her hair behind her ears, and that shaky, high pitched voice.

But the bruise...

It was already glistening on that delicate, cluttered forehead. The chair had smacked her hard, but she didn't seem affected by it. She was rising to her feet, rubbing face with a towel.

How pathetic.

The bruise depend in colour.

How pathetic and weak she is. Like a kitten whose mother got run over but still, she wanders out into the road, just out of curiosity, like idiotic kittens do, without heeding the consequences. Without realizing how dangerous this world is.


I had always wanted a kitten.

And something in her eyes told me she didn't have an owner anymore.


Im not sure if anyone is still reading this fanfic now 🥹 but here's the updated chapter just in case !!
For those of you who need it, or feel at peace reading this , I will keep updating until the end! Until next time !!!


Why won't You Love me ((Suga Yandere 21+))) ft JHOPEWhere stories live. Discover now