• 육 ~ not true •

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"Hello! How can I help you?" 

You tucked your hair behind your ears and took a deep breath, still not believing the phone call you had recieved.

"I was called in for the audition role. Y/n L/n?"

The secretary's face changed instantly.

"Of....of course. I'll take you up to the CEO's office immediately.

CEO's office? ???

Was that normal?

Nervously, you followed her to the elevator.  

The way was quiet and you couldn't stop shaking.

You had no idea why YOU of all people had been picked for an MV. 

You didn't think you even made the cut for a McDonalds commercial, let alone Agust D entertainment....

But here you were, proving to yourself and Namjoon that you weren't someone who needed to be apologized to. 

Even better, you could temporarily hide here from your parents. 

So why were you shaking?

"Miss y/n?"

You turned, noticing the elevator door was open.


"Just go straight down to the end of the hall. They'll be waiting inside."

Nodding, you followed her directions to the last  door at the very end of the hall, marked with the plaque M I N . YG. 


There were four people inside. 

The one you noticed first was the man from the shoot, broad shouldered with a friendly, handsome face and tall. As soon as you walked in, he stopped talking and smiled at you. 

"Ah, here she is! Our especially requested girl!"

You flushed, avoiding his eyes . Your gaze went instead to the man at the desk (the CEO, you figured), and then a man  with a clipboard and finally a guy sitting quietly and staring at his hands with a mild, focused expression. 

Jeon Jungkook

Your heart raced as he turned his head and those curious, chocolate eyes found yours. His expression changed from interest to something else and, without warning, tthe idol's cheeks were bright red.

"Y/n L/n, isn't it?"

You looked back at the broad man.


"I'm Seokjin, the productions manager and director."

He held out a hand, which you shook. He then introduced you to CEO Min,  Secretary Jang and Jungkook, the idol singer for whom you would be doing the MV for.

"Nice to m-meet you," he stuttered as you shook hands.

Oh noooo, why was he so cute and nervous in real life?

"Shall we get to the contract signing  then?" Seokjin asked. 

You nodded and were about to sit down when Jungkook stood up suddenly. 

"Take my seat," he offered.

Three pairs of eyes fell on you.


"It's closer to the desk," he explained.

You awkwardly took the offer and then the contract signing began.

Why won't You Love me ((Suga Yandere 21+))) ft JHOPEWhere stories live. Discover now