And so It Begins........

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Several months after...............

 (Y/N's) POV.

 I wiped the perspiration from my forehead with the back of my hand as I held up the last chip in the 501st............. I'd been working tirelessly since I began my efforts to save my clones .... the only ones I couldn't seem to get to at the moment were Rex, Fives, Cody, Tup, and Jesse..... I'd managed to even get a few from other squadrons including the Wolf Pack. Things were looking up for the clones, however..... my own tale was becoming more complicated. I felt my left arm ache and looked down to see black marking reaching past the bandage once more..... making me all the more thankful for my blue tunic that covered my upper arm. Ever since we had rescued Cody and Kix I could feel a change......... Asmodeus had to have done something when we invaded that realm. I just didn't know what it was yet.


 We finally (Through Jarin's many methods and connections) managed to capture one of the higher operatives within the demon ranks.......... but he was proving difficult...

"Any luck Captain?" I asked as I entered the cell we were keeping him in, Rex shook his head,

"Regretfully not General...... he refuses to tell us anything solid."

I sighed as I looked at the half-demon, he resembled a young adult with only slightly revealing demon qualities..... for example.... the slit pupils and sadistic nature. I'd learned from Jarin that this kid was next to the right-hand man of Asmodeus so I was desperate to get him to crack..... I narrowed my eyes at him not really wanting to deal with his snarky attitude, but Anakin had asked me to handle it.....

"You keep this up and you'll make me do something we both regret...." I sighed as I sat down next to Rex, who rubbed his eyes. 

"Am I supposed to be scared? We demons enjoy pain...." The half-demon answered smugly, I shook my head as I looked up at him, 

"Not the kind I'd be giving you." 

"Go ahead then....... do your worst..... I'd be happy to endure it for my master's cause." 

"Wow..... your that invested in this huh? What's he promised you? What do you get out of this that is so great that you'd be willing to endure possible torture?"

I could feel Rex's eyes shift onto me, feeling his slight shock and concern, 

"We get this galaxy...... and everyone in it....... and we'll finally have the home we deserve.... a home where we rule supreme and can no longer be cast out." 

I folded my hands in front of me leaning forward a little, "Sounds like a bunch of bull to me........." 

The half-demon narrowed his eyes at me, yanking on his special cuffs, "What did you say demi-filth!?" 

"I said it sounds like a bunch of bull..... do you have lava clogging your ears? Or do I need to slow down for you to understand me? You and I both know Asmodeus just wants the power for himself.... you won't actually get anything out of this, so why bother being loyal to someone who won't give you anything?"

The half-demon chuckled as he also leaned forward in his chair, "Like you can talk... what have you really done for these clones since you got here? You've done nothing but make their lives more dangerous, expose them to new threats, even exposed them to magic..... and you think you're any better than my Master?"

"You'd be wise to mind your mouth kid..." Rex warned, narrowing his eyes at the teen who smirked, 

"When we take over this galaxy I'll be saying the same to you....." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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