Reunions and Relaxation.

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(3rd POV).

 (Y/N) woke up to the feeling of her head being pet and someone running their fingers through her hair, a small, content purr slipped out forcing her brain to jolt awake as her eyes snapped open, she looked up to see-

"Jesse!" She quietly exclaimed quickly getting up and gently hugging him trying to be mindful of his injuries, 

"Don't you EVER scare me like that again you di'kut." She whispered, "I've been worried sick!" 

"I know.....Kix told me this morning when I woke up.......I'm sorry for worrying you."

"What happened Jess?" I asked taking in his battered appearance, 

"I let my guard down....." Jess admitted lowering his eyes, "I heard Rex yelp and turned not even thinking when Asmodues caught me with a Firestorm  I don't remember much else except Rex shouting my name and then.....darkness.........................(Y/N)?"

(Y/N) had a very dark look on her face, black and dark violet streams of magic began rising in small trails from her body as she clenched her fist, 

"Hey (Y/N)....stay with's alright." Jesse assured earning a scary glare in return, 

"You call this alright Jesse?! He beat you to a pulp! He almost killed you!!" 

"(Y/N).....calm down...." Jesse instructed, "please.....calm down...." 

When (Y/N) saw the fear in Jesse's eyes she sighed heavily and slowly the magic stopped and her eyes returned to normal, 

"I'm sorry....." She said putting a hand to her forehead, "I'm supposed to be protecting you guys....but all I've done is do the exact opposite....all I've done is watch you all die or get hurt without being able to do anything...." 

Jesse's face morphed into one of saddened concern as (Y/N) began sniffling furiously wiping her eyes, 

"Sorry....." She whispered getting up, "I should let you get some rest." 

Jesse knew (Y/N) well enough by now to tell when she needed comfort, so with a small shake of his head he gently took (Y/N's) hand tugging her close to him, 

"You don't have to bear the burden alone (Y/N).....we all look out for each other...." Jesse reminded, "so stop blaming yourself everytime something happens....we all understand."

(Y/N) gently buried her face in Jesse's chest being careful not to aggravate any of his injuries, the occasional sniffle escaping. Later on when Kix came in the little curtained off section he couldn't help the small smile that spread over his face as he saw Jesse asleep holding (Y/N).


(Y/N) was anxiously waiting for the Resolute to land, after a month and a half of being away Rex and the others were finally coming home, Rex had made his quick stop in Kamino on the way home confusing her slightly. She heard the all too familiar sounds of the engines slowing down and the hiss of the hydrolics as the ramp was lowered, the hangar doors began lifting and she was overwhelmed by all the emotional energy she was sensing. Anger, confusion, sadness, defeat, grief, pain, loss....she felt her brow furrowing as the men began shuffling by her nodding in a short greeting. Finally her eyes landed on a jaig-eyed helmet coming down the ramp with Jedi in tow. (Y/N's) breath caught as she caught sight of a bacta cast on his left arm indicating his injury had been worse than when they had last talked, Rex didn't say much as he met (Y/N) halfway but she could feel it.....he was exhausted, hurt, she felt the weight of his emotional and mental burdens crashing over her like a wave a small, pained sound leaving her.

"Oh, Rex...." She whispered standing on her tip toes to press her forehead to Rex's helmet. She'd learned a while ago that it was an intimate gesture amongst the people of Mandalore and saved it for a time like this. Rex placed his right hand on the back of her head pressing himself against her,

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