The Citadel....part 2

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(3rd POV) 

 (Y/N) hadn't been wrong about something bad happening, while she, Rex, and the others roamed about the tunnel, Obi-wan, Cody, Jags, and the other clones were still inside the Citadel trying to make sure they arrived at the rendezvous. Jags found himself looking up an incredibly long ventilation shaft that would put them to the landing pad, and he also made the mistake of looking down......all he could see was a seemingly endless plunge to a no doubt painful death. He looked over at Commander Cody who returned his gaze with a small, assuring nod.

"This passage with get us near the landing pad," Obi-wan stated matter of factly before he began scaling the wall, everyone followed suit Jags not missing the look Master Piell had as he too looked down. But Jags told himself he couldn't think about that as he climbed, passing General Kenobi he heard a brief but amusing conversation between him and the battle droids that got them here. He felt his hands ache ever so slightly as this was the second time he'd been forced to climb...he hated climbing, if he was being honest heights somewhat intimidated him, especially after watching Charger fall.

"You good Jags?" He heard Cody ask over the helmet's inner com channel, 

"Ye-yes, sir!" He quickly replied before looking back down towards the others, Master Piell seemed to have no trouble climbing...considering his small stature Jags was a little impressed. He and Cody made their way to a platform at the same time and found a security probe!!!

"A probe!!" Cody called down to the Jedi, Master Piell leaped into action flipping and jumping up the sides of the shaft until he reached a point where he could ignite his saber and use it to slice the droid in half, 

"Did you get it?" Obi-wan called down to him his voice echoing through the long shaft, Master Piell didn't answer as he knew he had, but the security measures had been deployed anyway, 

"Security doors! Move or you'll be cut in two!!" Obi-wan warned, Jags could hear the sharp sounding *Shiink* The doors made as they quickly closed around them, he and Cody dropped down just before the doors closed over their fingers only to hear something.....gruesome from one level down. 

"Troopers! What happened?" Cody asked as Jags prayed nothing had happened, 

"We-we lost one sir...." A muffled voice replied, "Tug is gone..." 

Jags felt the crushing, numbing loss of yet another one of his close brothers settle into his chest, Tug had been there for him when Skylar had died, stayed up with him when he couldn't sleep, ate breakfast with him every morning, now...he was gone too. Jags felt Cody's hand on his shoulder as the commander knew how close he and Tug were, he could feel Cody trying to comfort him over their small, existing bond but he was almost in a state of shock. Jags felt (Y/N's) presence brush his mind eventually reaching out to him, 

'Jags....what's wrong? Are you alright?!'

'Ya-yeah.....I'm alright....' Jags responded his thoughts even seemed to be slowed, 

'No you're not..............who was it?'

'Tug....Tug's gone.' Jags informed his heart clenching in pain as his mind was fighting him, he didn't want to accept it but he had no choice, 

'Oh Jags.....I'm so sorry...' Came (Y/N's) soft reply, 'where are you guys?'

'In a ventilation shaft but we're currently trapped by security doors..' Jags replied  'we're waiting for the Jedi to make their way to us so we can get out.'

'Got careful okay? With any luck, I'll see you in about half an hour.' 

Jags felt the tiniest bit of happiness in his heart, being around his ori'vod always made him feel more at ease. He heard the all too familiar sound of a lightsaber nearby and soon Obi-wan's face could be seen through a hole above them, 

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