Something Found.....More to Lose.

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(Y/N's) POV.

 Over the next few weeks, we enjoyed a number of activities from hiking, swimming, Jesse, and Kix had actually taken an interest in fishing, and Fives dropped in for a visit. We were all currently situated in the living room watching another one of the superhero movies I'd shown them back in Coroscaunt (Per Fives' request....) I felt a smile break out on my face as I saw Kix's eyes begin to droop as he rested his head on Jesse's shoulder, his soft breathing soon filling the air. Hardcase and the others though all stayed awake until the end of the film, their reactions were hilarious,

"Seriously! That's how they end it!! He said he had a date and then nothing!!!" Fives roared indignantly, while Jesse had a slightly saddened look, 

"Kriff that was sad.....that's almost like what will happen with Brandy and Jordan.....they'll live long lives while everyone around them that isn't like them gets old and eventually dies." 

I gave a somber nod aggreeing with him, "Long life and even immortality have their downfalls.......time eventually takes everything from you, even what you love the most." 

I felt Rex's arm tighten around me, his close proximity comforting the rather sad thoughts that had intruded, however my thoughts soon took a turn for the better as I saw the boys taking pictures of Kix who was out cold wrapped around Jesse like a koala,

"That's so cute." I gushed as Kix made a soft noise getting up to make some hot chocolate, 

"Cyare, I'm making som coaco you want some?" I asked kissing his cheek, Rex hummed nodding in agreement, soon the smell of hot chocolate wafted through the house drawing my little family to the kitchen, Fives made a funny face as he batted his eyelashes at me, 

"Could you make extra for your favorite brother?" He begged I couldn't help but laugh as I ruffled his hair, 

"Well......seeing how you asked I guess I could." I smiled soon making a double batch. Soon after we sat snuggled up in the living room listening to the crickets and the crackling of the fire. I snuggled up against Rex's chest my legs curled up so I could be as close as possible, as we sat there I could feel everyone starting to get tired and doze off except me, I felt Rex's head softly hit my shoulder with a *thud* then adjusted my position letting him tuck his head into the crook of my neck. I sighed contently taking another sip of my hot chocolate before gathering all the cups in the room and placing them in my sink.....the advantages of having magic. I found myself drifting off shortly after resting my head on top of Rex's as we all got some much needed rest.....and I had a gut feeling we'd need it.


 That morning I found myself wandering into the village, I needed some groceries and didn't feel like going into the city to get anything, so I found myself down at the local market, 

"Enjoying your time off (Y/N)?" One of the farmers asked as I picked up some peaches, I raised my eyebrows nodding in response, 

"Very much so......these last few weeks have been it's good to be back home and relax." 

After paying for my things I decided to stop by Mysira's for a visit, upon entering I saw Tup! He was patiently waiting for what seemed like a drink, 

"Hey Tup!" I greeted waving as I walked over, he saw me and waved in response, 

"General...good to see you." Tup said I made a face pointing a finger at him, 

"Tup....what have I said about the whole General (Y/N) thing? When we're here....or in private I'm just (Y/N)." 

Tup rubbed the back of his neck a light shade of red on his cheeks, "I know....I'm sorry, it's just when you have Dogma for a room mate, all you hear is protocol and such..." 

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