Leaving...and finding

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(Y/N's) POV)

 After last night's festivities..(And a whole lot of pie) I was awakened to the sound of birds chirping and the sound of the forest nymphs practicing they're harps...

'It's way too early for harp practice.' my thought's grumbled, I looked over at my clock to see it was 8 A.M and sighed, I was NEVER awake this early..until that strange call from wherever in the universe started. I sighed and closed my eyes once more hoping to get some more sleep when I felt a nagging presence in my mind, 

*Yawn* 'What is it Feren?' I called telepathically, not wanting to move,

'The Queen has requested your presence immediately....it sounds urgent.' Feren responded I could hear the uncertainty in his voice, I jumped up and quickly flew to get ready, I'd met with the Queen countless times she was a lot like an older sister to me, but even still, she's the Queen! I hurriedly brushed my teeth, got into my most flexible combat suit, grabbed a blueberry muffin for food, and ran out the door. As I walked through the forest towards the palace, the soft, yet bright, yellow glow of the morning sun enveloped the forest, I could see a smithy opening his cart for the day and the smell from the breakfast hall's ovens wafted around me, I took a bite of my muffin waving to the smithy and a few nymph children..then heard a sleepy *Hoo* I looked up and saw a snow-white owl with piercing eyes flying down to perch on my arm.

"Good morning Athena, it's a little late for you to be awake don't you think?" I asked as I ruffled her feather's affectionately, she gave a small hoot and rubbed her face up against mine, 

"Oh ok, well hello to you too...how come you weren't at the party last night? I bet Charles would've given you some mice or other rodents."

Athena gave the owl version of a shrug then looked me in the eye, her red and gold eyes seemingly staring into my soul, as if she knew I was planning on leaving.

"Don't give me that face young owl." I playfully scolded, "everything's fine, I think I just need to spread my wings a bit...I've been feeling grounded as of late."

Athena gave what could be deciphered as a smirk and bumped my head, then with a flap of her wings, flew up into the ancient, willow tree that served as her home, 

"Oh, I see how it is...you just wanted me for a ride home huh?" I shouted in mock anger, all I heard in reply was a smug hoot, I scrunched up my nose and made a funny face at the tree and continued my walk to the palace. 


"Ahh, (Y/N) there you are!" The queen said as she rushed out from the council chambers,

"My lady." I bowed, "to what do I owe this pleasure?"

Queen Adeline furrowed her brow, "I'm afraid a matter has come up my dear (Y/N), would you care to take a walk with me?"

I smiled and extended my arm, letting her arm link with mine, "Of course your Majesty."


"There have been rumors spreading for quite some time of a group on a moon..deep within the multi-verse, they have been attacking Demi-dragon settlements in the vast, cold lands of the moon Deigh Mystic."

"The moon of Mystic Ice?? But...that wouldn't make any sense..they have to know that the Demi-dragons who live there are a bit more.....pardon the word Highness...primal then us. Not only that, but they are also fierce warriors, so why attack them?" 

Clone Wars Rex x Demi-dragon readerWhere stories live. Discover now