Mission accomplished....and The Concerns of Medics

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(Y/N's) POV.

 My body felt numb, I didn't feel any pain as I hit Rex's armored chest.....my thoughts had stopped completely, I felt like I was going to be sick, and tears burned hot, bitter trails down my cheeks. My brain was in shock telling me that I couldn't have just possibly witnessed the death of one of my closest brothers.....but the agonizing, deep cutting, crushing pain I felt countered those thoughts. We made it to a cave system that was mostly open and not very good for hiding in but managed to find some cover, a wave of anger overtook me as the vision made sense now the missing element was Echo....that's why it'd hurt so bad every time the vision came into my mind. I didn't even feel Rex put me down, all I could feel was pain...it felt like someone was hammering a spike into my chest making it hard to breathe as I fought to regain control over my lungs.

"(Y/N)......." Rex whispered, "I'm-

"Why did you stop me Rex!?!" I demanded angrily startling everyone, "why didn't you let me go back!?"

"(Y/N) there wasn't enough time..." Anakin reasoned, "no one could've gotten to him and made it out." 

"I COULD HAVE!!!" I roared grabbing the sides of my head feeling my body shake as heavy raw sobs escaped me, "I COULD HAVE! Now-now he's-he's...."

Another round of sobs cut off what little voice I had left as my hands moved to clutch my chest, a choked sound coming from my mouth, I felt a hand touch my shoulder but quickly batted it away,

"Leave me alone!!" I yelled my hoarse voice protesting use as it felt like sandpaper was rubbing up against my vocal cords, but whoever touched me was persistent as I was pulled close to another shaking body, I opened my eyes to see Fives was the one who'd grabbed me...and was stubbornly holding onto me.

"Fiv-Fives......." I whispered my voice small and shaking, his feelings of grief adding to my own, "he-he's-he's-

 Fives said nothing heavy sobs shaking his body as he hugged me tighter, 

"I'm sorry..........." I quietly stated in between sobs, "I-I should've grabbed hi-him or-or done something...."

Fives shook his head burying his helmeted head into my neck, I felt another hand rest itself on my left shoulder and knew it was Rex as I felt him brush our bond. Feelings of deep regret, sadness and anger could be felt as Echo and Rex also shared a close bond, heck Rex was the unofficial dad of the 501st.....and Echo and Fives....were like the kids of the bunch that everyone loved and protected. Cody, Jags, and the other clones walked over as we all silently mourned for Echo as the Jedi made plans to escape this cursed place. This.....horrible, desolate, deathtrap that had taken so many lives was about to claim more victims as the mission went on.


The droids were relentless in their pursuit, just when we'd think we lost them they'd come out of the woodworks with speeders, numbers and were hellbent on taking us back to the Citadel. My brain was on full survival mode trying to cover the grief for later as I rolled over the top of a droid only to drive my sword through its eye then duck and use a fire backed punch to send another one into the lava. I glanced at Fives who appeared to be doing the same thing as me, just trying to make it out alive....the feeling of grief driving itself into my chest deeper as my brain was reminded every two seconds that Echo wouldn't be next to Fives any longer, that he wouldn't drag my sorry butt to see Kix once we got back, that he wouldn't be sitting and joking with us at the mess any longer, that I wouldn't be getting any more late-night calls when he couldn't sleep or wanted someone to go over training manuals or reg books with......I felt more tears begin to flood down my cheeks but didn't care to wipe them away at the moment as I evaded another droid who Anakin Force pushed away then used his saber in a deadly, spinning manner to dispose of it. I nodded in thanks wiping my eyes with the back of my hand to try and clear my sight, the logical, hardened part of my brain telling me to snap out of it if I wanted to live. We eventually made it about half-way to the new rendezvous point when I caught a whiff of some new smell.

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