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 After a short nap and a quick bite to eat, I was feeling a lot better but my wrists still ached like crazy, I likely had burns on them from the bracelets but I wasn't going to bother with that right now, not when we had a factory to destroy. I stood next to Ashoka as she was giving her briefing feeling proud of the young Togruta, for one so young she was doing very well in these difficult situations.

"This bridge is our first waypoint," She began pointing to a long, rock bridge that led to the factory, "focus your fire on the gun emplacements located here and here." Two, red dots showed up on the holo map marking the spots for the guns. 

"Because it's only then-

She was cut off by Anakin who pretty much took over the rest of the briefing, leaving poor Ashoka in a rather awkward situation, I shook my head pressing my fingers against my forehead. This was the third time Anakin had done this to the poor girl if she was going to grow as a commander than he needed to give her a longer leash and a bit more trust. Nothing is more frustrating when a mentor holds you back due to either ignorance or impatience, I walked away from the small meeting to let Ashoka and Anakin duke it out not wanting to be put in the position of the middle man. So I went to go find Cody and Rex, who were thankfully not far away I had just about made it to them when I heard a strange, hissing voice from behind me,

'You've come at last....and here I thought this would be a fruitless mission.' 

I felt a clammy, icy, hand touch my arm and I whirled around to see no one there...but there was something...or someone nearby....and it wasn't friendly. I moved my hand towards the hilt of my sword ready for something to jump out until I heard:

"Hey...little fireball, what are you doing?"

I jumped slightly as I felt a hand land on my shoulder but calmed down as I recognized Cody's strong, reassuring grip,

" guys hear anything?" I asked turning to face him and Rex, they shared a worried look before shaking their heads, 

"Are you ok kid?" Cody asked feeling my forehead his brow furrowed I made a face as I took his hand away, 

"I'm fine ori'vod...I just...heard something...or someone talking, it felt like they were right behind me but...there's nothing there."

"I think the heat is starting to get to you (Y/N)..." Rex stated with worry concealed in his gaze, 

"I said I'm fine...has anyone reported any odd sightings? Maybe another type of demi-dragon is here...because as far as I know, no one here has telepathic capabilities."

Cody shook his head "No...haven't gotten anything except bugs..."

"Hmm...whatever, it's probably nothing then." I sighed feeling the stress of the past couple days bearing down on me causing a headache to form. I rubbed my temples in an attempt to soothe the slight pain, Cody raised an eyebrow as we walked back over to where Rex sat,

"Don't start fussing over me guys, I'm fine," I started giving them both a slight glare, "it's just hot,"

I leaned my head on Rex's shoulder wishing Echo and Fives were here...but at the same time glad they were out of harm's way being stuck on Ordin, Cody handed me a canteen of water with a small smile on his face, I gladly accepted the water downing most of it in one go the feel of the cold water soothing my burning insides.

"So because you're a dragon, when you drink water does it turn to steam when you swallow?" Cody joked I rolled my eyes hitting his arm playfully, 

"Oh my gods, that was a Fives question." I giggled, "and no it doesn't...unless you're a water dragon, then you just breathe insanely hot, boiling, water, and poison-filled steam."

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