A Voyage....and a REALLY big problem!!

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(Rex's POV)

 It'd been a few weeks since the incident on Soulucamai and I was finally starting to see some improvement in my health, the spot where I was shot still had a rather nasty bruise over it, but I suppose that can be expected when one takes a laser shot to the chest. (Y/N) had been in surprisingly good spirits considering that she missed her chance to go home, but at this point, I don't know if I wanted to let her. It was selfish of me to think that I know, but there's something about being around her...I can't find it in me anymore to let her go. I heard her laugh coming from the barracks and knew I'd better check on it, knowing her she and Hardcase could be coming up with all sorts of diabolical schemes. I opened the door to see her, Jesse, Echo, Fives, Hardcase, Kix, and Jags all huddled around a holo video, she saw me and waved me over, 

"Come on Rex! Your just in time for movie night!" She called a beaming smile on her face, I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as I walked over to see their little setup, there were pillows and blankets all over the floor with different types of foods surrounding them. She grabbed my arms practically forcing me to sit next to her. 

"What are we watching?" I asked as the opening scene began, 

"One of my favorite movies from back home." Her voice was filled with nostalgia as we watched what seemed to be some sort of...superhero film, it had gods, a man in a metal suit, a soldier, a scientist, and two master assassins. (Y/N) hugged a pillow to her chest as the movie played on, I could tell she wanted to lean up against me but wouldn't do it because everyone was around us...but they were watching the movie, 

'What's the harm in letting her??' I asked myself, after carefully weighing the pros and cons I subtly slipped my arm around her waist, I felt her stiffen up at my touch obviously not expecting it.

'Rex....what are you doing??' She asked apprehensively, 'Everyone is here...'

'They're all busy with the movie cyar'ika....and don't pretend you don't like it...I could feel it...you wanted to cuddle.'

(Y/N) huffed a little before she allowed herself to relax and lean up against me, her hands still around the pillow,

'This is nice...' She mused, 'having a movie night with you even if we have to play it platonically....and it's good to see the boys so relaxed.'

Her half-lidded eyes scanned the room before she sighed happily putting her head on my shoulder, 

'I love you, Rex...' Her warm, loving tone sent small shivers down my spine and it took every bit of self-restraint I had not to kiss her senseless,

'I love you too ner cyar'ika...' I replied resting my head on top of hers enjoying the somewhat peaceful moment we had while the movie played.


"That was one of the BEST vids I've EVER watched! Can we watch it again?!" Fives enthusiastically asked (Y/N) once it ended, she chuckled lightly rather amused by Fives' reaction, 

"Maybe...I'll have to show you guys the origin films for each of the heroes that way you can understand each character better, I think you'll find them all pretty amazing."

(Y/N) waved her hand around cleaning up the remnants of the snacks causing them to disappear, 

"If only the barracks could be cleaned that fast..." Jesse joked earning a chuckle from (Y/N), 

"Well all you have to do is learn magic and you'll be all set," She teased poking him in the side, "then maybe Rex wouldn't have to use Cody coming into the barracks as an excuse EVERY single time."

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