An Explanation and Getting back to it.

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 (3rd person's POV)

 What do you get when you cross a bored, recovering demi-dragon with one of the biggest pranksters on board a ship full of victims? A WHOLE lot of trouble...Hardcase and (Y/N) had been non-stop troublesome for the past week. They'd done everything from putting itching powder in lotion, switching out food with plastic, to pranking people with fake spiders...Jesse was NOT a fan of that one 

"(Y/N)!!!" An angry voice called out as she ran snickering down the hall, she'd hidden Anakin's cybernetic arm on him right after she'd replaced his lightsaber with a toy needless to say if he caught her right now she'd be dead! The admiral was already after her for putting gelatin in his coffee and turning it into jello! 

'Hehehee! No ones' gonna be able to stop me now!' She triumphantly smirked as she rounded a corner only to run right into Rex...who had a VERY disapproving glare on his face, 

"Oh....hi, Rex..." She nervously greeted sweatdropping, "what's up?"

When the "look" didn't go away (Y/N) knew she'd better either take her chances with Anakin or make a break for it so she did the smart thing and quickly jumped up into the vents before Rex could grab her, 

'Hardcase!' She called to her partner in crime, 'I'm in a bind! Can you get me around Anakin and Rex? I'm in the vents.'  

(Y/N) had begun to develop telepathic bonds with her now adopted younger brothers as the level of trust between all of them had blossomed into a nearly unbreakable bond, plus it made it a lot easier for them to communicate while she was stuck on the Resolute recovering.

'Let me see...hmm...ok! If you stay straight you'll eventually come to a fork in the vents, take the one to the left and you'll land in our quarters...Echo and Fives aren't in here right now so we'll have time to put the plastic wrap on the doorway.'

(Y/N) chuckled evilly as she made her way through the vents excited to prank her two favorite brothers, she silently dropped down into the barracks to see Hardcase by the door watching for anyone approaching.

"Hey!" She whispered greeting her brother with a high-five, "everything ready to go?"

"You bet!" Hardcase cackled "just need the plastic wrap."

(Y/N) nodded closing her eyes summoning it from the 4th dimension, she'd been getting a longer leash with her magic use which was great for her....not so great for the people she'd been pranking. A long, heavy roll of plastic wrap appeared and the two quickly got to work snickering as they imagined all the hilarious outcomes this would have.

"I bet Fives will fall backward then laugh along with us while Echo gives you the kicked puppy face." Hardcase guessed (Y/N) giggled in agreement, 

"I think you're right...or they're both gonna want to kill us."

"Nah, Echo loves you too much to even dream of that...I swear he'd tell on all of us but if YOU broke regs...he'd carry the secret to his grave."

"That's because he knows who smuggles him candy." (Y/N) chuckled as they placed the finishing touches on the doorway, now all they had to do was wait for the right moment so they sat on the floor of the barracks and played a card game.  


 As Echo and Fives walked back to their quarters after a long and rather boring meeting they heard (Y/N) scream:

"NOOO!!! This can't be happening!!"

Alarm consumed their beings fearing something diabolical had happened to their sister as they raced down the hall, the doors to their quarters opened but they didn't have time to worry about (Y/N) as they were both launched backward by an invisible wall!!! (Y/N) and Hardcase turned in alarm to see the clone brothers both on the ground, Echo rubbing his nose while Fives had burst out into hysterical laughter after his anger faded,

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