Monster Hunt and An Impossible Mission.

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A few months after Kamino...
(Y/N's) POV.

"Hold the line men!" I yelled over the sound of heavy cannon fire, "we can't afford to lose our edge now! We have the upper hand!"

It had been around...oh four months or so since Kamino and since then all we'd done was hunt down Asmodeus and his crew of miscreants, most of the battles had left my men tired, and worn down and while I felt terrible about it, Asmodeus and his forces were wiping out planets and clones like they were insects! We had tracked them to Felucia trying to overtake one of our more obscure bases by surprise but luckily we'd known about them and the troopers had seen them coming long before they radioed us for help.

"Get down!!" I heard Hardcase cry everyone scattered jumping to get away from an incoming bomb or some sorts when Ashoka sent a stream of star attacks to detonate it while it was still a good ways out, 

"Great move Ashoka." I praised as I cut down a droid then sent a squadron of them flying back with a sonic wave of energy through the ground, 

"Rex! What's our status?" I shouted over to Rex who had just taken down a tank, 

"Situations under control here but General Skywalker and the others need our help, they're pinned down at the base."

"Well then let's go give em' a hand, it's not polite to keep people waiting." I joked, "Ashoka, you take Hardcase, Boots, Striker and Jace with you and go back up Anakin. Rex, you, Jesse, Chopper, and Scar take the left flank, drive them over and up if you can and I'll take the rest of the men up the middle." 

Everyone nodded quickly moving into their positions, 

'I gotta say.....I think I enjoy you giving orders like that...' Came Rex's voice over our telepathic bond, I felt my face turning red as I dodged a shot, 

'You're charming Captain act is gonna get me killed over here Rex....cut it out!' I responded trying to calm my reddened face down,  

"You alright General?" One of my newer troopers Sythe asked, 

"Ye-yes! I'm fine, thank you Sythe." I stammered, "just the's getting to me."

I began moving my men up the middle just as I had planned watching as Rex, Jesse, and his men carefully came in from the left flank, most of them picking off droids they saw at the edge of the battle before working themselves back into the heavy flack. Watching Rex take down droids the way he did...I gotta admit, it was pretty awesome, he did it with a certain flare that made it both hard to keep up....but hard to look away once you did.

'You're staring at me again cyar'ika...' He jokingly reprimanded, 'your gonna get yourself killed if you keeo doing that.' 

'Well, it's your fault for looking so attractive while you kill battle droids my dear captain!' I fired back tearing my eyes from Rex's form as we advanced, I ended up shoulder to shoulder with Jesse watching as he now subtly (and quite expertly mind you..) manuvered a batch of droids under a giant tree then used his telekenisis to pull the tree down on top of them! That gave us both cover and a foothold from which to continue our attack, 

"My, my, your in fine form today Rex." I complimented as I deflected a shot aimed for his head, "your gonna get yourself killed if you keep staring at me when I'm using magic ya know."

I could fell Rex's eye roll from under his helmet as he pulled me up against his body to protect me from a shot aimed at my back, 

"Good thing I wasn't just watching you ner cyar'ika..." He teased his deep voice sending small shivers down my back,

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