De-aged Shennanigans....Slip of the tongue

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This idea was given to me by the lovely @DakotaLynn0  I hope you enjoy Dakota! \(^^)/

 (During the two months of waiting for the toxin to wear off........)

 Rex was woken up by the familiar, soft poke that had become his alarm clock since (Y/N) was turned chibi, he opened his eyes to see his chibified girlfriend standing next to his cot, holding her little stuffed dragon Thorn.

"What is it (Y/N)?" He sleepily groaned (Y/N) fumbled with her nightclothes before shyly climbing up into his cot snuggling up against his bare chest, 

"Ha bad dream...." She replied, "you, Echo...and all leaf an no come home." 

Rex sighed as he tenderly kissed her head, "Don't worry (Y/N)....we wouldn't leave you....I promise."

"M'k...." she sighed as she settled in for a peaceful nights' rest with her Captain. 


"Morning (Y/N)." Ashoka greeted with a smile, (Y/N's) eyes lit up as she scrambled down from Rex's shoulder to greet the young Torgruta with a hug, after greeting Ashoka she then reached up and grabbed Rex's hand pulling him along to the mess hall. As the doors opened Rex could see it beginning to fill up with soldiers so he picked (Y/N) up placing her on his shoulders once more, 

"Oooo!!" (Y/N) said in excitement from her new position above everyone, 

"Having fun up there little one?" Kix asked as he came up beside Rex, she looked down and nodded holding on to Rex's head tightly. Rex found a table with Echo, Fives, Anakin, and Ashoka and the small group began having breakfast together, Rex gave (Y/N) one of the meals Feren had sent and watched as she tucked into the small meal of french toast, an egg, and some crystalized fire with a cup of tea. He chuckled when she cut one piece in half sharing it with Fives and Echo, she looked at their cups of caf and raised her cup with a puzzled look, 

"You drink tea?" She asked them with an innocent tilt of her head, Jesse laughed as he reached across the table to pat her on the head,

"'s caf...we drink caf." 

"Caf?" She slowly said trying her best not to mess up the pronunciation, "me try some peas?"

Everyone at the table giggled at her cute face as she batted her eyelashes innocently, confused as to why everyone was amused, 

"You'd have to ask Rex." Kix said... "and no chewing on the your fork."

(Y/N) turned to Rex looking at him through her eyelashes and moving her eyebrows up just a bit, 

"Peas Rekkusu?"

Rex almost choked on his caf his face turning a shade of red as she gently touched his arm, 

"Oh kriff.....I can't....the cuteness...." Fives dramatically put his hand on his chest turning away from the scene, poor Rex didn't know what to do so he simply nodded then quickly looked the other way,

"She's gotta stop doing that....." He mumbled, "how am I supposed to say no to that face?"

"Her mom had some strength that's for sure." Anakin remarked as they finished up breakfast, 

"Rekkusu....I go wif Fis an Echo k?" (Y/N) informed as she scooted off the bench, before half walking half tripping over to where Fives and Echo stood, 

"Uhh...o-alright....where are you boys going?" Rex inquired, 

"Down to help repair one of the fighters.." Fives answered, "don't worry she'll be fine, but General Skywalker said he wanted us to help fix it." 

"Yeah...seeing how YOU broke it." Echo teased with a small nudge, Fives made a face of disapproval as they exited the mess, with (Y/N) in tow.


"Hardace...what Fis doing?" (Y/N) asked her hyperactive brother as they watched Fives and Echo repair the fighter, 

"They're fixing General Skywalker's fighter....Fives kinda messed with it and now it's broken." Hardcase informed, (Y/N) nodded watching as Fives took a soldering tool only for it to spark and send some of the VERY hot sparks onto his skin, 

"OWW!! HAAR'CHAK! RANGIR!!" Fives yelled rolling out from under the fighter giving it a kick, 

"Well ****," Hardcase swore forgetting that (Y/N) was right there, 

"Hardcase!!" Echo reprimanded with an appalled face, "(Y/N) is right there!!" 

Hardcase's eyes widened as he looked down to see (Y/N) staring up at him with a curious face,

"Haar'chak!"  He exclaimed before facepalming, "great.....Rex is gonna kill me if he finds out."


 (Y/N) had wandered around the ship for a bit feeling rather bored, so she decided to go and find Rex, it didn't take her long as he was in the command center going over plans with Anakin, as she came through the doors Ashoka saw her and waved, she waved back hurrying to Rex's side trying to pull herself up onto the console so she could see, but all she accomplished was falling and hurting herself,

"Owwie! Haar'chak! Ragir! ****!" She yelled, Ashoka's jaw nearly hit the floor, Anakin was both horrified and highly amused while Rex was plain horrified, 

"(Y/N)!! Where in the GALAXY did you learn those words we do NOT speak like that!" He demanded picking her up and placing her on the console, giving her a stern glare and crossing his arms, (Y/N) looked startled and bewildered, 

"Fis and Hardace say them wen Fis get hurt." She honestly replied, Rex pinched the bridge of his nose an exasperated sigh leaving him, 

"I shoulda known.......come on..."

"I in trouble?" She nervously asked as Rex picked her up, 

"No......but I can think of a couple di'kuts who are....." Rex stated with a somewhat scary look on his face, 


"Should we break it up Master??" Ashoka asked as she, Anakin, and (Y/N) watched Rex scold the men, 

"I and me should take (Y/N) and split." Anakin suggested quickly and quietly retrieving a VERY confused and bored (Y/N) then began tip-toeing out of the room, 

"Come on kids.....lets leave the adults to it...." He said grimmacing at the looks on the troopers' faces as they crept away,

(What (Y/N) got from the entire discussion:) Nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag, nag DON'T USE THAT WORD AGAIN!!!"

And that is why to this DAY....Hardcase has NEVER sworn around (Y/N).......

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