Coruscant, A Threat, An Invasion.

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(Y/N's) POV 

 As we came out of hyperspace I could sense the electric energy all around me and I knew we were in Coruscant, 

"Rex....darling, wake up." I gently nudged him softly giggling when he groaned and pulled me against him, I gave a hum of contentment before gently pressing on his mind with my own, 

'Rex....cyare....we're almost back on Coruscant, wake up my sleepy captain...'

He made another soft noise as my prodding finally woke him up, I couldn't help but giggle when he looked around a bit confused.

"They're getting ready to dock the ship Rex, you should go get ready...that way it at least LOOKS like you haven't been on vacation."

"Mmm....five more minutes cyar'ika....I don't wanna leave you just yet." Rex sleepily said turning on his side then placing his head atop mine. I stayed still not wanting to disregard his request, but upon hearing more commotion, I urged him to get up precisely after five minutes. Rex sighed going into my bathroom to change and get ready giving me a long, sweet kiss before he left my room. I smiled and went to get ready myself when those flashes started again, I put a hand to my head covering my left eye, groaning as a sharp pain shot through my head. I heard that clones voice was closer....and in pain?

"Can anyone hear me!? Help!"

I felt my breathing increase before I felt someone touch my head, the vision instantly stopped and I looked up to see Cody (still in regular clothes btw) with a concerned face, 

"Are you alright little fireball?? I felt a massive spike in magic just now,"

"I'm-I'm fine ori'vod..." I assured panting slightly, "I-I think someone is in trouble here..."

Cody's brow furrowed, "Who? We JUST got into Coruscant," 

"I don't know...but I think it's a clone....he sounded he was in trouble." 

"Hmmm....well, keep your ears and eyes peeled, I'm sure you'll find out if he is sooner than later."

I nodded then quickly got into my trusty armor, the familiar feeling of the leather-covered breastplate bringing back so many'd been re-enforced while we were back home so it could handle more than your average beating. I slipped on my arm guards and greaves then pulled my hair back into a high ponytail looking every part the fierce demi-dragon I'd been portrayed to be. I did a double-take in the mirror however when I noticed my eyes....they were usually a very deep blue (if you don't have blue just ignore this ^^) ....but now they had traces of bright gold around the iris' that was slowly bleeding into the rest of my eye. I knew what that meant, something was about to happen...and my inner dragon was waiting to come out.


"(Y/N)....I know you said you wanted to keep a low profile while here on Coruscant but the Jedi Council is requesting you meet with them." Obi-wan informed as we walked down the Temple stairs, I sighed putting two fingers to my head, 

"Fine....but I'm not going in there without either Anakin, you or Ashoka....I can just see them waiting to pounce." 

"I believe your perception of them may be slightly warped, most of them are in fact very curious...and only want to put a name to a face." 

"Well, that's reassuring....I can only hope that's all it is." I muttered feeling a slight headache from those....visions I reached in my pocket pulling out a small, amethyst crystal popping it in my mouth. As I chewed it, I could feel the nectar inside begin to ooze out soothing my headache instantaneously, and a good thing to as I heard that voice once again. It was definitely a clone and he was close by....using my dragon senses I scanned the area around me picking up on distressed, anxious energy from a nearby alley, 

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