Minus Two...Double the Trouble

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(Y/N's) POV.

It was a good three months or so of clean up on Kamino and during that time I tried adjusting myself to the lack of Fives and Echo's presence as they were busy with ARC trooper training, even still it made me smile to think when Echo wanted someone to study or spar with he came to me...and baby trooper was doing well too! Not a day went by where I didn't visit his specialized growth tube, it was away from the others as he had different needs and so far Shaak Ti had kept her promise and kept anything from happening to him, 

"Hey, little guy." I greeted as I placed my hand on the growth tube, "I don't know if you can hear me through all this glass but thought I'd drop in and say hi...your scan just came back and it doesn't look like your heart will be as bad off as they thought! I'm still kinda worried about you though....you'll need to take it easy for me alright? No pushing yourself too hard once you get bigger."

"(Y/N)??" I heard Fives call I turned towards him, my jaw dropping as I saw his ARC trooper armor....he now had more accessories and no longer carried a standard DC-15A blaster, but two pistols just like Rex! Add to that his armor was a bit bulkier and he had kamas!

"Wow!! Looking good vod'ika!" I complimented with a thumbs up, he chuckled as he walked over and hugged me, 

"How's the little guy doing?" He asked as we walked out of the baby's chamber, 

"He's doing well....growing normally, his heart isn't as bad as the long-necks thought which is a relief." 

Fives gave a small groan as we walked adjusting the straps on his kama occassionally, 

"A little heavy?" I asked with a giggle as we walked down the halls to the hangar, 

"Ye-yeah....it's gonna take some getting used to," Fives chuckled, "Rex said it took him a little over two months so I intend to be over it by one." 

"Always so competitive." Echo's voice teased as he appeared on my other side, I turned to see his armor was similar to Fives...but his still had the handprint that Rex put on it when we all first met, I felt tears threatening to rise but forced them down, when had I become so emotional!?? We got to the outside of the hangar and saw Rex and Cody waiting there. 

"Hey guys!" I waved Cody hearing my voice turned and waved back then motioned for all of us to come over, 

"What's up Cody?" I asked seeing that he was fiddling with a holocam, 

"Well...Fives wanted to take a pitcure before we all leave tomorrow, but I can't get the blasted thing to work!"

I giggled taking the holocam away from Cody and carefully pushed a button, the camera switched on and began to hover in place, I looked at Cody who gave me a rather deflated face, 

"Ta da! Now come on you...get over there." 

As he and Rex walked over to Echo and Fives, I placed a hand on my chin in thought, 

"Nope....Rex move so your on the Fives' left not right, Echo you move next to Rex and Cody you get on the other side....Cody...smile! You look like this is a form of torture. Echo...you look so tense take a deep breath."

"(Y/N) why are you being so picky about this?" Cody asked with a dry chuckle, 

"Because a picture speaks more than a thousand words my dear commander..now shoosh!" I sassed as I got behind the camera....

"Alright! Now everyone relax, relax...and...ready?? Snap click!!" 

I pressed the button forever freezing this second in time, the others came over to look at it and smiled, 

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