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  (Y/N's POV)

 I patiently waited for Rex outside of the mess hall, nervous to go in by myself because I'm pretty sure if I walked in there by myself that I'd get jumped on and arrested, as far as they all knew, I was a dangerous, wild threat that could kill them. After a few minutes had passed I stuck my head out into the hallway slightly to see if I could see him, and I saw him walking towards the mess hall with two other soldiers. At first, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me because the two men walking with Rex looked almost EXACTLY like him, to say I was confused was an understatement. Rex saw me waiting and raised an eyebrow as I'm sure he saw the look on my face as he the two other men arrived at where I was standing.

"Is...something wrong (Y/N)?" He asked, concern slightly lacing his voice, "You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"Are you guys...triplets or something??" I asked pointing at the three of them, "Because if you're not then that's SUPER CREEPY!!"

The two men that were with him shot him a look, 

"You didn't tell her Rex?" One of them asked he had a big tattoo on his face that matched the symbol on some of the guard's armor so I guessed that that must be the symbol of the Republic...or something like that.

"No Jesse I didn't," Rex responded, "I knew she'd find out once she came to the mess hall or had to be on a mission with us, so I had planned on explaining it then."

"Explain what??" I inquired, my interest now piqued, 

"See? Now she's interested." Rex smirked as he pressed the button that opened the door to the mess hall, "let's get some food first, and then we can talk."

As we walked in, it felt like every eye in the hall was on me, I hadn't felt so uncomfortable since my days on Earth in high school...well at least part of high school. I felt about three inches tall and wanted to run back to my room as fast as my legs would carry me, I could feel the glares of the soldiers, who also...ALL looked alike! It was a bad mix of discomfort and panic that made me feel like I was going to be sick, Rex noticed this and moved so he was partially blocking me.

"What are you boy's looking at?" He barked, "as you were men."

I heard a room wide mix of groans and maybe swears?? As we walked through the hall, I fiddled with the left sleeve of my jacket, an old nervous habit of mine, and mentally kicked myself for coming off as some weakling. We found a table and I volunteered to stay behind while the guys got their food, 

"You sure you don't need anything?" One of them asked he had cool designs in his hair that looked similar to lightning and some sort of phrase tattooed on his head,

"No..thank you though...um?"

The man smiled, "The names' Kix." 

I had a somewhat good feeling about Kix, which was rare, the only one in this while place I had a semi-good feeling about at all was Rex, and speaking of Rex, he gave me a look like he knew I was lying. To be honest, I was hungry, I was just too uncomfortable to go up there. He motioned for Jesse and Kix follow him leaving me to look around the room, all the men in there had the same hair for the most part same eye-color as Rex, same build, same...EVERYTHING, I averted my eyes as one of them looked up from his food and I could feel him looking at me, whether with malic or curiosity I couldn't tell. I felt like the rejected kid that no one wanted to sit with at lunch all over again, being in that cell and being stuck in my thoughts all the time had done some damage to my emotional state of health and I quickly was filling with the urge to run out of there as fast as I could, food or not. I was just about to stand up and run for it when Rex, Kix, and Jesse came back, Rex at next to me while Jesse and Kix sat across from us. 

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