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Special thanks to @oceanblue196 for your friendship and unwavering support, love you girl!


"Yes, little one?"

"Can you tell me the story of the Great Dragon?"

"Hahaha....which one? There are many about him,"

"The one where he turns from a human into a huge dragon!!!"

"Hmmm.......very well then, back when dragons weren't accepted and seen as dangerous enemies to be slain, there lived a beautiful woman with long, flowing, silver hair. She'd caught the attention of many dashing, daring young men, but one man imparticular caught her eye out of all of them....." 

"The Great Dragon!!"

"Yes, (Y/N) yes, so as couples back then did.....he began courting her rarely leaving her side, then one night.......on their way home from an outing....they were attacked by a band of ruthless thugs......

"Oooooooo.......will I ever become a dragon like he was Daddy?"

"Hehee.....I guess we'll see won't we little one? Who knows.....maybe you'll be an even bigger dragon than me."


Why was that memory coming back to me now?...........strange.................

 (Y/N's) POV

 After a few hours break, everyone hit the road again with lighter spirits and some extra energy, this time instead of being up with Rex and Fives, I found myself slightly behind them with Tup, Kix, Jesse, and Hardcase, 

"You doing alright ad'ika?" I asked Tup as I noticed he was moving a little slower, he looked at me and nodded, 

"I'm fine (Y/N).....nothing I can't handle." Tup gently nudged me with his arm though....his heart was saying differently,

"Did you take your medicine while we were stopped? Your heart seems to be acting up more than usual." I pressed not convinced he was alright, 

"Don't worry (Y/N) it gets like that when I'm on high alert or excited." Tup assured, "you worry as much as Kix." 

"Oh no....she's worse than me..........occasionally," I could tell Kix was smiling as he too nudged my arm, soon we'd reached the point where Rex and I would move the men into position to take out the city's' defenses. Hardcase and I stood side by side as we looked out over the road with the scopes, trying to take stock of the situation. I saw Rex walk over to where Krell stood so I joined him in case I needed to shoot down any of Krell's insults or even worse........his strategies.

"Sir....we're ready to move our forward platoons in for a surgical strike on the city's' defenses." 

"There won't be any need for that Captain," Krell stated uncrossing one row of arms, 

"Sir??" Rex asked visibly confused as to why we weren't going through with our original plan,  

"All platoons will execute a forward assault along the main route to the city." 

"But........sir, General Skywalker and (Y/N's) plan was to surprise them with multiple attacks.....if we come in from the main route their likely to engage us in a full-frontal assault." 

"Change of plan Captain.....I'm in command now." Krell said crossing his arms once more, 

"Not entirely Krell," I quipped, "and I agree with Captain Rex, that's a reckless plan that will put too many men in danger if we do that we risk losing around....thirty percent of our forward platoons, that one too many for my liking." 

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