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A/N: WOW!! 120 reads! That's insane! Thank you guys so much for reading!! It makes me so happy! I love you guys! *Throws hearts everywhere*

 "Wow..." I breathed as Rex pulled back from kissing me yet again, "I didn't think tonight was going to go this way, I thought I'd have to wait until tomorrow to tell you."

Rex chuckled while he caressed the side of my face with his hand the warm feeling from earlier was replaced with a feeling of adoration and affection mixed with nerves and a slight hesitation, I furrowed my brow slightly as I stroked the back of Rex's neck,

"What's wrong Rex? Something else on your mind?"

Rex's shoulders slumped as I continued to pet his neck his head resting on my shoulder,

"It's one can know (Y/N)."

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow in curiosity at Rex's words, he lifted his head so he could look me in the eyes, 

"It's forbidden for clones to have relationships (Y/N)," Rex said wrapping his arms around me in a hug, "we have to be very careful from here on out if the wrong people found out...I'd be sent back to Kamino"

The way he said that last word made me feel a cold wave of dread, whatever that entailed probably meant Rex would be hurt in the process, even though it was still very small, I could tell over our new bond that the very thought of it made Rex upset. I wrapped my arms around his waist being careful not to lean on the injured part of his chest, 

"Don't worry...I can keep a secret...although I'm not sure about Fives...I'll have to threaten him again I guess."

I felt the vibration of Rex's chest as he laughed, making my stomach flutter as we stood there absorbed in each other's presence I took the time to listen to Rex's heartbeat the steady thumping lulling me into a relaxed state. I gave a small yawn and I could tell Rex smiled, 

"Tired cyar'ika?" Rex asked already knowing the answer,

"Mm-hmm," I hummed, "love confessions really take it outta me ya know...also...what happened to you? How come my favorite captain is all banged up?"

"Don't worry (Y/N) it's not that bad," Rex comforted as he backed up slightly allowing me to see, "a thermal detonator went off a little close is all, Kix said it'll probably scar but luckily it wasn't too severe." 

I nodded debating whether or not I should try using magic to heal him, 

"Don't you even think about it...I know that look." Rex gently bopped my nose giving me a knowing look, 

"What? I was just thinking is all," I feigned innocence giving Rex a small smirk, Rex playfully rolled his eyes shaking his head, 

"What am I going to do with you?" He chuckled I giggled pecking his lips, 

"I don't know captain...the real question is...what am I going to with you?"

Rex thought for a minute, "Well for starters you could let me get a shirt on and then join me in the mess hall."

I suddenly panicked, "Oh crud...Jesse, Hardcase, and Anakin! I completely forgot I left them in the mess hall! I'll see you there!" 

I broke away from Rex attempting to run out the door when Rex caught my wrist spinning me around and planting a sweet, loving kiss on my lips that made me feel weak in the knees, 

"See you there cyar'ika." He lowly whispered I slightly shivered inside at that tone of voice before giving him a smile and dashing off, 


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