Umbara: Blood

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(Y/N's) POV....

 Looking at Umbara from the cruiser as we began to engage the Separatist reminded me of a battle from what seemed like eons ago,

(Around 210 years ago......)

*Huff Huff* "Come on troops.....we're almost there......" A strong voice encouraged as we marched through what felt like an endless sea of bloodstained water, I heard the new soldiers gasp as they saw bodies of comrades and enemies alike as we trudged along. 

"Valerios.........are you certain this is the spot Captain Truphdarin was located?" I asked as we overlooked the raided campsite, Valerios nodded pointing to a noticeable mark on the only standing flagpole left in the camp, 

"I'm certain my dear (Y/N)........that is the symbol of the last standing Shadow Cast King......he's been mounting another army in the time we've been rebuilding from the last war." 

"But.....I thought we had a treaty with the Shadow Cast clans......both councils agreed to end the war." I stated with a frown as I surveyed the carnage, Valerio nodded with a forlorn look in his eyes.

"My and creatures who crave destruction, death, and power from the death will find ways to achieve their goals, they see themselves as untouchable." 

I was about to comment when I heard a gut-wrenching cry from one of the men behind me, my eyes widened as I felt a small drop of blood hit my cheek, I turned to see the young man clawing at a hole in his stomach where a now.......undead soldier stood. It's marred, torn flesh still dripping blood as it gave an unholy shriek raising up others around it.

"Tighten your ranks!" Valerios ordered, I felt like I was going to be sick as I saw the newly killed soldier join the ranks of the dead his face morphed into one of horror and anguish.

"(Y/N).....I need you to focus now, look at me.....look at me child!" Valerio called lifting my head to meet his, "I need you clear you mind and fight! We are the last line of defense between this realm and our own.....we MUST dispose of them here!" 

 And it was just like first fight to survive began. The Shadow Cast King had set the perfect trap, massacre our men and then use evil, shadow magic to re-animate them........we were fighting the dead.......and the red stains from that day have stuck in my mind ever a curse one cannot be rid of, the flashes of agony and splotches of red clouded my vision for weeks as I saw the young men and women I had trained fall like flies against an enemy that was far greater than we ever imagined.......only a few of us survived that day.....

(Present Day......)

I felt a hand softly land on my shoulder drawing me out of my memories, I felt my eyes snap to the side and a low growl filled the air, the hand quickly withdrew and I saw Tup with an alarmed expression on his face, 

"(Y-Y/N)?" He softly asked a hint of fear in his voice, I felt bad for scaring him as I'm sure my eyes were turning back to normal, 

"I'm sorry ad'ika.....I did't mean to frighten you.....are you alright?"

Tuo nodded as we watched the ensuing battle the laser fire from both sides illuminating the normally darkened system, 

"Are you alright (Y/N)? You looked like you were worlds away just then." Tup worriedly stated, I sighed putting a hand to my head, 

"I'm fine........something about this place keeps messing with me.......I've been to many places like it.......and those that have come back from those places.....are never the same in one way or another." 

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