A Deal and a Brothers Message.

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A.N  Hey, guys so I know some stuff I've written in this fanfic may seem OOC or not really what some are used to....so if you see stuff like that it is PURE Izzy headcanons. I could rant on and on about canon but I won't do that for the sake of getting this chapter done

(Y/N's) POV.

 I felt my strength slowly begin to return as the days passed, I missed Echo with every fiber of my being but Feren was right...I couldn't stay in a grieving state of mind...that would've crushed Echo's heart. Rex, Kix, Fives, and Feren had been my rocks throughout the entire ordeal being a system of unconditional support and comfort and in turn, I had tried to be that for them as I best as I could. I had actually been spending a fair amount of time with Master Yoda as my body was still dragging its feet trying to gain back it's former strength, in fact...I was returning from a meditation lesson with him when I bumped into Trigger. He'd been doing much better with some therapy, and his brothers to help him you could barely see any of the scared, tortured trooper he'd been just about a year prior, 

"Hey (Y/N)!" He called catching my attention, I gave a wave in response and should've known better as he gave me a face before jogging over to give me a hug, 

"It's good to see you up and about again." He said as we walked away from the temple, "I-I've been worried....." 

I sighed, "I know....sorry for worrying you...it's just....been hard." 

Trigger nodded, "I know...I know how much he meant to you...it' never an easy thing." 

A small, breathy chuckle escaped me as we walked in a comfortable silence back to the barracks when Trigger got a call.

"Ahh....it's the commander, I'll catch up with you later (Y/N)." Trigger promised as he jogged off, 

"Alright, be careful!" I called after him, he gave me a thumbs up with a smile before disappearing. I opened the door to the barracks to see Feren talking with Kix and Rex his eyes catching mine leading to a smile, Rex turned a smile breaking out on his face, and in three quick steps, he was standing right in front of me.

"Hey, love.....how was your lesson?" He asked kissing my forehead gently, 

"It was good..." I replied gently resting my head on his shoulder inhaling his scent, "how are things here?"

"They're fine....had some paperwork to do but for the most part...things have been fine." 

"Good to hear..." I hummed rubbing my face against his chest, I heard Feren and Kix chuckling in the background, 

"What's so funny? You two?" I asked peering over Rex's shoulder with a playful glare, 

"Nothing...." Kix snickered, "get a room you two, Feren and I are trying to work here." 

I rolled my eyes thinking nothing of it, but Rex apparently took it seriously, 

"That...actually not a bad idea." He chuckled as he quickly lifted me bridal style, 

"Whoa!! Eep!" I squeaked my arms instinctively going around Rex's neck for support, he looked down with a smile as he took me to my room, 

"Reeeexx..." I whined "put me down...I can walk just fine ya know." 

"I know cyar'ika....but I felt like carrying you." Rex jolted me a little for good measure, "besides...I ship out again tomorrow." 

I groaned burying my face in his neck, "I could come along ya know....I'm not weak." 

I could sense Rex's slight....sadness??  "I know....but your still not in shape to be out fighting, I'd much rather you stay here and get stronger than to be out in the field and risk getting hurt." 

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