Yu Ishigami wants to survive

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Yu Ishigami wants to survive

    Me, Prez, and Ishigami were alone in the student council room together all working our Student Council work. As usual, I had the biggest workload out of them all Prez really capitalizes on the fact that it doesn’t take me that long to do any of my work. If he didn’t give me so much I would have way more time to spend time with either Aisaka and Hayasaka. Not to mention what happened the day she came over and how we almost kissed again… 

“Senpai, your face is all red, are you thinking of something dirty?” Ishigami asked me with a teaseful tone. Darn your observational skills Ishigami!

“N-no! It’s not dirty at all!”

“It doesn’t really look like it, Tatsuo-kun.” Prez chimed in, “I hope whatever you’re thinking about isn’t too dirty.”

“I-I told you it’s nothing!” Both of them had a smirk on their faces as they looked at me.

“Senpai, if it’s isn’t dirty at all then I hope you wouldn’t mind telling us what you were thinking about.” Ishigami cornered me skillfully.

“D-don’t make me regret giving you a chance Ishigami!”

“Oh yeah, it’s been quite a while since we first met each other, Senpai.”

“It hasn’t been that long, Ishigami. You’re exaggerating things.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, Senpai.”  I still remember clearly the first time I met Ishigami…

Time rewind…

As I entered the council room as I had always before but this time I saw the phantom member of the council, Yu Ishigami the treasurer. He was talking to the Prez but the moment he saw me his face went from a warmhearted smile to a cold scowl. The moment I entered was a silence between the three of us as both me and Ishigami tried to size up each other.

“Oh, Tatsuo-kun, glad you could join us!” Shirogane said breaking the silence between the three of us, “Tatsuo-kun this is Ishigami, and Ishigami this is-”

“Shirou Tatsuo the star of the basketball club and plays Power Forward. All the girls are head over heels for him so in other words, he’s a normie.” Ishigami interrupted,

“G-gah!?” Wow, he must really hate me. Prez was right when he said that Ishigami wouldn’t get along with me since I was at the school basketball club.

“Now if you would excuse me,” Ishigami got up from where he was sitting, “I have better places to be.” Ishigami started to make his way towards the exit. I have to figure out a way to keep him from leaving, something to show that I’m a fellow otaku.

“Don’t be mean to me. I’m not a bad slime, you know. I promise! (slurp)”

“Th-that’s from.”

“Yeah, it’s from Dragon Quest. I’m a fellow otaku.”

“B-but, you’re supposed to be a normie from what I hear. It must be great to be you.”

“Na, I envy you/ You don’t have to worry about any games or looking cool in front of the school. I wish I could just laze around too.”

“Y-you envy me?”

“Yeah are you deaf? In fact, I’ve wanted to talk to you about the latest animes for quite a while now but you’re never here when I am.”


“Yeah I mean it is my job to look after you as your senpai, Ishigami-kun.”

“Tatsuo S-senpai!” Ishigami started to tear up, “You’re really not a normie!”

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