Kaguya Wants to be joined

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Kaguya Wants to be joined

Tatsuo’s POV

[Here at Shuchi’in there exist many clubs, with activities ranging from major ports to local cultures. Everyone enjoys life to the fullest, all in the name of youth…]

“Clubs are so stupid.” Ishigami groaned. Yay, Ishigami is being netigive once again. This time he’s probably going to go on a rant about how clubs are stupid and shouldn’t exist.

“Clubs are essential; they provide valuable lessons and opportunities for growth…” Prez started before getting cut off by Ishigami.

“No, I know that, without clubs, kids would have too much free time and go down the three paths of delinquency. Reform school, suspension, and broken homes. And then they’d get pregnant and we’d all have to raise money for them. So having clubs makes it easy to keep your children away from the horrors of society.”

“I did not say any of that.” Prez said, “Well I suppose you may have at least some of a point…”

“Woah, that’s deep. Ishigami what drives you to think up these thoughts?”

“I dunno but I still hate clubs.”

[Clubs!! In Shuchin’in Academy there are two pyramids! In the first is the pyramid of pedigrees which 99% of the Shuchii’in Student Body is formed of the children of the wealthy Those who appear ordinary at first glance and those who appear gaudy at first glance. Those people tend to build communities with others of similar status and thus a power balance is formed.]

[Those who entered the academy from outside are the lowest then Doctors, Presidents of small companies or Pro Sports plates are next then are Government Members, Executives of Large corporations are next and then finally at the top are the World-Famous ones. That is what is known as the Pedigree Pyramid.] 

[The other pyramid is the Club Caste System! Going from bottom to top is the Manga Research club, Going Home club, the Cultural Clubs, table tennis club and as should already be obvious, a Hierarchy which places sports at the top exists within Shuchi’in!] 

[Simply by being affiliated with a sports club one can gain popularity regardless of their actual achievements! This is even better for the actual stars of each sports club as you have to be pretty much leaving under a rock to not know their names!] 

[Shirou Tatsuo regularly has to deal with an armada of fangirls chasing him around and because of his abnormal height they can easily identify him! But due to this seemingly unfair situation, the members of the going home club and cultural clubs harbor immense resentment towards the members of the sports clubs and especially the boy who reigns supreme over them all, Shirou Tatsuo!]

“It’s fine for the ones who actually do stuff like Tatsuo-senpai-” Ishigami started.

“Call me Shirou-senpai, once you meet my sis it’s going to start getting confusing.”

“Ok, Well it’s finance for the ones who actually do stuff like Shirou-senpai but most of them are just making those ‘We’re so Awesome’ faces and acting all buddy-buddy with each other.” Ishigami’s expression changed from his regular amount of negativity to immense negativity.

“Isn’t that just so cold? What part of that is supposed to be fun? Shouldn’t they just try harder? Yeah… maybe… they should all just die…” Me and Prez both looked at each other with expressions telling the other to change the subject. After about five seconds Prez finally said, “Ishigami… let’s put that aside, for now, we need to work on the proposal for club budgets.” Excellent job changing the subject, Prez! No wonder he’s the student council. He’s one of the only people that can deal with Ishigami’s negativity.

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