Ai Hayasaka wants to make a move Pt.3

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Ai Hayasaka wants to make a move Pt.3

Tatsuo POV

As if Chika was waiting for me to be in trouble to help me, Chika barged into the room with no warning. She really does listen to my prayers. Like a highly trained ninja, Hayasaka disappeared when Chika entered. Where did she go? I don't know, she probably went faster than the speed of light, so my eyes couldn't track her.

"Tatsuo-kun, what are you doing here?" Chika asked in surprise when she saw me.

"I could ask you the same thing," I answered her.

"Kaguya-san invited me over for a sleepover. Were you also invited?" Now how am I supposed to get out of this one? If I said I was Kaguya would probably rat me out the very second she hears me. If I say no, then she'll think I broke into the Shinomiya Mansion and then she'll call the police and that would be the end of me. I guess this is the end of me. Then as if the universe likes toying with me, someone who looks like Hayasaka came into the room.

Never mind that it is Hayasaka. Hayasaka was wearing some sort of disguise to probably hide from Chika.

"Haysaca-kun!" Chika exclaimed when she saw the disguised Hayasaka. Haysaca-kun? She'll probably explain later. I'll just go with the flow and see what will happen. I love being a side character.

"Miss Fujiwara, Kaguya-sama's room isn't here," Hayasaka (or Haysaca-kun) said to Chika upon entering her own room. Chika then turned back towards me and asked, "You also know Haysaca-kun, Tatsuo-kun?"

"Of course I know him! I visited Kaguya a couple times before today." Wow that was a pretty good lie if I do say so myself. My lying skills have increased tenfold since the last time I tried to tell a lie. I'm so proud of myself.

"So were you invited also?" Chika asked, pressing on. Before I could even answer her, Hayasaka (or Haysaca-kun) said, "Yes, Tatsuo-kun was invited." Nani!? Meh, I'll just go with the flow. Hayasaka will probably tell me her reasoning later.

"You were invited too, Tatsuo-kun!!! With you here there's no way that it could be boring." Chika said in joy.

"Oh it's nothing..." After Chika was talking with me, Hayasaka (or Haysaca-kun) escorted her away leaving me alone again. Just in time to read Hayasaka's bestseller diary! KEEP OUT!' It's not like the book says for me to keep out.

Right after I was done reading a chapter of the book of knowledge, Hayasaka returned back to the room. Right when she came I said to her, "I really appreciate what you did with Chika and everything but, did you really have to say I was invited over. We could have easily said that I came over to visit Kaguya or even you!"

"I doubt that Fujiwara-san would believe that in this day and age where we have cell phones. You could as easily just called her." Hayasaka said countering every single word I just said.

"That may be true but when I go back home and face her." I said shuttering.

"Who do you mean by 'her?'" Hayasaka asked me.

"I'm talking about my little sister... just me thinking about it makes me shiver in fear."

"Are you that afraid of your little sister?"

"If you were me you would understand. You would fully understand how I feel."

Timeskip (in Kaguya's bedroom)

Right now I was currently explaining the current situation to Kaguya while Hayasaka was staring off into space. Geez, it's like she wants me to stay over. Next she's going to say I can sleep in the room. It's not like things can get any worse.

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