Ai Hayasaka wants to make a move pt.2

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Ai Hayasaka wants to make a move pt.2

Tatsuo POV

I woke up in Hayasaka's room. I sat up and tried to locate where Hayasaka was inside the room. She was nowhere to be seen. Didn't I say that I would never come back here again? Well, that streak is gone even though there was never one to begin with. So... what am I supposed to do while I wait for anybody to come back. I could read a book called 'Hayasaka's Diary. Keep out!'

This book of knowledge could get me to know how she thinks a bit better. It's not like it says that I should keep out. That's where people go wrong when they write their diary. They are supposed to write keep out on the first page of the book, not the title page. This means that this diary ain't private but public. This has been today's 'Common mistakes people don't know are mistakes with Shirou Tatsuo.' Tune in next time to find out why people shouldn't use the bathroom.

All jokes aside (that was not a joke.), let's see what knowledge this book contains. After I took a single step towards the book that may change the course of my life, Hayasaka entered the room. I fell back into her bed and tried to act natural. When she entered the room I may or may not have screamed Niya at the top of my lungs. That's only for me and me alone to know.

"Niya. You scared me Hayasaka. I saw my life flash before my eyes." I said trying to act natural. Hayasaka looked around at her room and then asked me, "You looked through my stuff, didn't you?"

"How could you accuse me of something so sinister! I didn't go through anything!" I said, defending myself, "Anyways, how'd I get here and how did I get in dry clothes, you didn't do it right Hayasaka?"

"It was the male servants that did it obviously," Hayasaka said looking a bit disappointed, "I didn't want you to catch a cold. You should be... AH-CHOO!" Hayasaka sneezed. Oh no, it's happening again. She has a cold. I need to disarm the virus as soon as possible or that'll happen again. *Insert Flashbacks*

"Well, it seems while helping me you yourself caught a cold." I said.

"I only sneezed one... AH-CHOO!!!"

"Ya mean two. Ya sneezed two times."

"Sneezing two times means nothing... AH-CHOO!!!"

"Now you sneezed thrice. Three times is the charm. You have a cold now accept your fate."

"No, I don't... AH-CHOO!!"

"Just accept your fate already. I'll make you my special Anti-cold dish for you. Sit tight, I need to get permission from Kaguya-sama before ya go into a loop." I said trying to run off. Hayasaka grabbed me by my arm and told me, "No, stay with me Tatsu-kun." Her face had the expression of a drunk person. I'm too late, the 'virus' has taken over.

"I... have to go! If I don't then-!"

"Stop thinking about others and think about yourself for once." Hayasaka's grip got stronger as if it wasn't strong enough already. Chika help me!!!

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