Chapter 1

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"Sin I- I cant do this-" I cry holding the gun trembling.

He chuckles throwing his head back before sliding his fingers around my waist and peppering kissing on my neck causing me to shiver against him.

"Cmon Bambi" he whispered in my ears smirking as I felt his breath on my ear.

I let out a sob and look down not being able to see Ty on the ground on his knees as blood drips down his forehead onto the ground while his bruised and busted face looked at me crying, begging, shouting for me to not do it.

"Sin I- I cant" I whisper feeling more salty tears running down my face.

He sighed before grabbing my jaw with a tight grip making me look up at him while my back is still against his chest.

"Don't fucking embarrass me and pull the fucking trigger" he whispered aggressively in my ear keeping his tight grip until he let go pushing my face back to Ty and stepped back with the rest of the gang.

I look at Toni and she keeps a straight face but her eyes hold tears and regret before looking me in my eyes and nodding.

I look down at Ty and he sobs nodding his head ready to get out of his long misery so I hold the gun to his head and a tear falls.

"I'm sorry"




"Zyana Ocean Miller I know you hear me calling your name!" My bald headed auntie yelled from downstairs.

Fucking bitch.

I groan while getting off my warm bed almost stepping on Bruno.

"Oh baby! Mamas sorry" I kiss my Pug on his head until he whimpered. I sit on the floor letting him lay on my legs as I rub his tummy while he still whimpered and cried. This been going on for a couple weeks but animal expenses are high as hell for no damn reason but I try my best to make sure he's fine cause I'm not no vet so I can't do much. I got up and went to my bathroom to take my shower for school.

"Should've listened my mom always told me this, I was only 13 when she told me this, watch who you fuck with and never ever trust a nigga for nothing even if you feel like you really love her don't ever-" I was singing my heart out until I heard the door open and then I heard my bathroom door open and saw my best friends Toni, Lia,Kayla and Jazz all bust in my bathroom.

"What the fuck I'm in the shower!" I shout covering my body with my shower curtain.

"Move fat ass"Kayla slapped Jazz in the head hard as hell.

"Wash your stank ass and come on you taking forever we was in the car waiting for your no titty ass for hours now come on before I leave your ass" Lia gave me a stank face.

"Why you looking at my ass? What's your fascination with that?" We all bust out laughing making Lia roll her eyes and walk out.

Mean ass.

I roll my eyes and look over at Toni on the toilet with her phone in her hand.

"Bruh what the hell are you doing?" She looks up at me while rolling her eyes going back on her phone.

"We sisters bitch it ain't nothing you ain't see before especially since we been taking showers together since 6th grade" Jazz looks at us confused making us laugh.

BAMBI | unedited|Where stories live. Discover now