Chapter 27

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I walk to his car opening the back door getting in and bucking up looking in the rear view mirror to see Lia glaring at me before Sin starts the car so I go on my phone as Lia sings boo'd up to Sin, my phone rings and it's Ty💙 so I answer and I see him smiling with his long flowing curls that I love so much whenever he wears his hair down.

"Oh myyy goddd T- baby you look so cute" I almost blew my damn cover and I put in my headphones in.

"Where are you baby?" He asks and I smile looking at the signs.

"I'm almost close to my house you wanna meet in 5?" I smile at the phone and he laughs.

"Yea that's fine" he kisses the phone and I do it back before hanging up and taking off my headphones to hear the music has stopped and see Sin clenching his jaw before making a U turn.

"Where you going?" I look around.

"Dropping Lia off" he mugs and drives towards Lia's apartment. He makes it to her apartment and parks the car frustrated.

She kisses him for a long minute I guess to make me jealous but I'm only worried about getting back with Ty so it can go back to what we use to be.

"Ite bruh get out my car and you get in the front" he looks at me so I get out the car passing by Lia for her to whisper "hoe" before I close the door and look out the window.

He starts the car and we drive back towards my place even though it would've been smarter if he dropped me off first but I don't even wanna start with him.

"So you for real huh?" He licks his lips and turns down a street.

"I don't know what you talking about Sin" I continue texting on my phone.

"Stop playing fucking stupid" he snatches my phone putting it in his other pocket away from me.


"Shut yo ass up! You think I'm fucking playing witchu? Huh?" He hits the wheel making me jump and look down.

Don't cry.

"You must be out yo rabbit ass mind thinking that this ain't mine!" He puts his hands in my sweat pants and rips my underwear as I groan feeling the fabric rip off me.

"Sin what t- uhhh" I moan softly feeling his fingers rub my already soaked clit.

"What was that? Exactly now call that nigga and tell him you gotta leave him bruh" he pulls over and turns towards me still rubbing my clit.

"S-sin please" I moan looking at him with tears swelled up in my eyes feeling conflicted with myself.

"Ohh but you look so sexy Bambi" he goes faster adding more pressure before I slam the back of my head on the seat letting my tears fall as I felt my legs lightly shake so I grips his tattooed arm.

"Okayyy" I cry out and he slows down letting me breathe before grabbing my phone and call.

"Hey baby!" He fastens his pace before putting his thick finger in my pussy slowly stretching it making me tighten my grip on his arm and look at him begging for him to chill but he smirks.

"P-Please Sin" I whisper and try to adjust to his finger feeling uncomfortable before he starts moving slowly.

"Ahhhh" I moan into the phone accidentally before hearing Sin chuckle.

"Y-yes I'm fine b-but don't meet me at my house I'm going uhhh to Kaylas" I struggle out hearing his finger push in and out of my wet pussy.

"O-okay b-bye" I hang up and look at sins sly grin while I look up at him with tears down my face. He removes his finger and tries to kiss me but I dodge it crossing my arms before he roughly snatches my neck.

"You are mine." I tear up more and start pouting without noticing.

I hate when he says that to me especially when he's not acting like I'm only his since he gives attention to a whole bunch of bitches, so how will I be his if he won't be mine back? Exactly.

"Lia is yours." He sucks his teeth and tries to kiss me but I dodge it once again.

"Zyana." He glares and I glare back.

"Fix yo fucking face and gimme a kiss" he tightens his grip on my neck.

"No Simon. You was just on Lia lips" I roll my eyes.

"Stop fucking wit me bruh" he yanks my neck hard as fuck putting me on his lap as I straddle his lap with one hand was still on my neck while the other one was rubbing my butt.

I don't kiss him back since I still don't like his dumb self knowing he was just up on Lia, he slaps my ass hard before I gasp giving him access to stick his tongue down my throat as moans escape my mouth into the wet sloppy slow kiss as my hands rest on his chest until one of my hands travel towards the top in his dick through his black sweat pants just resting there while he puts his hand into my pants rubbing my bare butt, I get closer and keep up with his pace before grinding on his lap slowly feeling tears come back knowing this is wrong but it feels so good with him, he pulls my hair and looks down at me with a mug on his face.

"I'll kill that nigga and fuck yo ass the same fucking day without any regrets" He pecks my lips and I feels my bottom lip wobble as he lets go of my hair.

"We can't keep doing this Sy" I lay my head on his chest as he rubs up and down my back.

"Too bad. Now get yo ass in that seat so I can drop you off" he gently smacks my ass and I get up to sit in my seat and buckle up.

I hate him so much.

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