Chapter 41

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I slam the car door getting in trying not to cry as I shake knowing I just killed Ty but get stuck in my head until I hear the car door slam and sun starting the car aggravated.

I'm the one that should be mad not him.

We got to the house and I ran out the car fumbling with my keys as my hands tremble before finally opening up the door taking my shoes off and drop my keys on the little table running up the steps going in our room to grab Bruno.

"Let's go baby" I kiss his head and run towards the door to sleep in the spare bedroom but Sin seeing me making me freeze.

"What the fuck you doing?" He gets closer and I let out a shaky breath.

"I want to go sleep now excuse me" I try walking past him but he grabs my arm.

"Our bedroom is that way" I look down feeling his glare.

"I want to sleep alone" I finally look up and see his angry face making tears form in my eyes more.

He made me do something I'd never want to do which is take someone life away.

"Get yo ass in the room" he lets me go and I continue walking into the guest bedroom not listening.

I put Bruno's bed down and he lays on it before Sin grabs me by my hair dragging me back into our bedroom as I try to get him off. He slammed me on the bed but I get off the bed and walk back towards the door until he grabs me again.

"Stop! You lied!" I squirm in his arms and finally get out his arms.

"You lied to me Sin! You're a liar!" I cry getting in his face.

"What the fuck did I lie about Zyana!?" He yells.

"I ain't do shit yo ass the thot that was letting niggas suck on they neck!" I slap him and push him.

"YOU WAS FUCKING LIA! You are the whore in this relationship cause last time I checked I only have one body which is YOU and I bet you can't even count yours" He clenches his fists.

"Yea... how about that! You wanna call me a hoe let's talk about all the times you fucked around Simon! Since your so fucking perfect right?" I feel tears come down my face.

"At least I didn't ever lie to you when we were in a relationship or made you kill someone that you never wanted to kill. You turned back on your word! Every last one of them when you promised you wouldn't, you told me you were gonna love, respect and cherish me but look at you now" his face goes blank and he grabs me pinning me on the bed.

"You want me to love and cherish you right?" I squirm underneath him and he rips my sweat pants off.

"No! Move I hate you!" I cry out and he kisses on my neck.

"I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" He rips my lace underwear off and slides his nike grey shorts off.

"I ha- uhhh" he slams his dick into me and I moan throwing my head back.

He slams into me slowly but hard with each stroke like he hates me just like I hate him.

"Fuckk Bambi" he groans in my ear.

I grip his back as my legs go weak as he stretches my walls hitting my spot with so much force I whimper.

"You hate daddy right?" he speeds up and still going hard.

"Uh I h-hate you" I cry out feeling my legs shake.

I try moving some out of me but he slaps my thigh.

"Stop fucking moving and take it" he grips my neck with one hand and starts going pounding me fast.

"P-please p-pull some o-out" I moan feeling my pussy throb against him.

"Take it since you hate me you gonna stop fucking complaining" he goes deeper and I come on his dick but he keeps going.

"P-please s-sin!" I grip the sheets as he goes faster making my tits shake up and down.

"Shut the fuck up" he goes harder on my one spot and I squirt making the sheets wet.

"Ahhh" I shake underneath him feeling my muscles spasm.

"Fuckkk" he nuts making a hot mess in my sore pussy.

He holds one leg up on his shoulder and slam his dick directly on my spot.

"Pleaseee I can't" I cry out and he goes faster.

"You wanna cry and shit in the car so imma make yo ass cry" He goes harder and i start feeling tears slide down my face feeling my walls clench around his dick.

"I- I love you" I moan before coming one again feeling body get tired.

"I love you too" he bends my leg to my chest and kisses me while slamming into me before he comes once again.

He slides out of me and I feel my pussy throbbing so I rub it trying to sooth it until I hear a grunt so I open my eyes and look back to see Sin looking at me.

"It hurts" I pout and close my legs still rubbing it.

"Stop fucking rubbing it" he snatches my hand away and I groan.

"Put it's throbbing" I cry and he smacks teeth.

"Open yo legs" I shake my head but he opens them sliding his tongue in slowly making it feel better.

"M-more" i moan and he goes slow licking all over my pussy.

He stops and the throbbing had gotten better so I lay down after peeing and pulling the blanket on me until I felt him pull me on top of him.

"You lied still" I whisper and he rubs my booty.

"I know. I'm sorry" he kisses my head.

"Actions speak louder then words papa" I fall asleep on his chest letting the night take over me.

I love him too much to hate him.

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