Chapter 8

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2 weeks later.

I've been avoiding sin for a couple weeks since the night I slept in his bed because I don't need him thinking anything is going to happen between us especially when it was a mistake even going over to his house because I don't know him, I know the old him but that's not something to rely on since people change all the time but I let that get into my head thinking we could go back to the way we were and possibly forgive him but no not after what Kayla told me about how he's back with Lia which I'm completely fine with as long as she stays away from me and doesn't try anything, we should be good but the fact that he was laying up next to me not long ago before getting with her doesn't sit right with me, he was acting so friendly and nice towards me that night but I guess Lia got him. I'm not jealous. I just feel disrespected and a damn second choice for him anyways at least I know he's just a player type of person and isn't how he use to be so I been doing my own thing like tattooing and focusing on my school work especially for Civics.

"Why are we doing this shit?" Toni throws the civics worksheet out her hands.

"To actually pass this damn class. Now come on we are almost done" I get up and grab her paper off the ground before handing it to her.

"Man fuck that bruh. I already got a plan for after high school and I sure as hell don't need no high school diploma for that" she huffs putting her hands over her face.

"Selling isn't a real job Toni" I look over the project information and directions.

"It is when you working with the right people to get enough money for a big ass house." She lays on my bed getting comfortable.

I shake my head and hear the front door open so I go downstairs to see my aunts boyfriend tryna sneak somebody in the house.

"What the hell are you doing Calvin?" He stops and looks up at me since I was at the top of the steps.

He takes a deep breath in frustration before opening his mouth.

"Mind ya business little girl. Now go back in yo room" he shoo's me always before letting some bitch into the house leading her towards his room.

Cheating ass.

He's been cheating on my aunt for years so it's nothing new but the fact that she is so dumb and naive to not catch him in his act is pathetic especially when he's sloppy with it, leaving condom wrappers all over the place and little lingerie in the couch or in the room that they share but she never questions is or acts on it.

I go back upstairs and Toni turns her phone off quick before hiding it behind her back.

"What was you looking at?" I cross my arms tapping my foot patiently.

"Don't worry bout it.... don't worry about it sweetheart" She smiles and looks over at Bruno eating out his food bowl.

"Nahh Toni what is it? You got something to hide or some shit?" I give her a stank face waiting for her to explain or show me what the hell she was looking at.

"Fine bruh here" she passed me the phone letting me unlock it with my Face ID.

I saw Lai posted something on her Instagram with a mirror picture of Sin behind her while she's bent over in front of the mirror with her tongue out. White ass tongue. She had the nerve to caption it "endgame 😘 if you ex's want him you gotta get him back in blood" as if I can't just make a phone call and set up a time and date for his lame ass to come over. I laugh and give Toni back her phone still laughing my ass off just thinking about how she must think I'm really gonna be mad at this bullshit.

"You okay?" Toni looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Ouuu yea I'm good. It's just funny cause I don't want him and never did therefore she doesn't have to make it a big thing that's all I'm saying" I let out a small laugh before focusing back on my work.

"True but it looks like sin wants you" Toni side eyes me while smirking.

"Girl he don't want me, he wants a quick fuck and I'm not gonna stoop that low to him and to be honest I don't even fuck with him like that" I shrug not wanting to think too much of it.

If he wants to be with Lia's fake ass then he can I ain't gonna stop him because he isn't his old self and he won't ever be. He was just playing me that night to fuck nothing more and nothing less since he's not Simon. He's sin.

Hours later.

We finished the project and Toni got a call from her Girlfriend Keke so she left to go check on her. I was scrolling through my phone until my aunt came in looking nervous and fidgeting with her bracelet.

"Yes Chanel?" I sit up giving her my undivided attention.

"Zyana I have a question for you and I want honesty" she sits on the end of my bed and I'm assuming she's gonna ask if Calvin was cheating on her.

"Yea he's cheating on you... took you long enough but at least you found out by now" I nod my head tucking in my bottom lip.

"What?" She looks at me confused.

"Calvin. Duh" she breaks her neck to the side and looks at me confused.

Oh shit.

"Was that not what you wanted to say? Omg did I just- my bad I didn't even mean to tell you if you didn't already know but I assumed you did cause I-"

"Imma kill that son of a bitch" she shakes her head looking at my empty wall.

We sat there in silence for a good moment until she finally got her thoughts together and turned towards me.

"Well I'll handle that... but I wanted to ask how would you feel if your dad was downstairs waiting to talk to you after years" she looks like she's pleading for me to say something but I'm frozen.

I haven't seen my dad since I was 8 because he cheated on my mom with some girl he met at his job so he left and started a whole new family, leaving his old one behind like we were nothing to him. No cards. No phone calls. No hugs. Nothing. So knowing that he's downstairs right now is scary for me especially the memories of him abusing me mentally but my mom physically are still stitched to my mind permanently.


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