Chapter 39

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6 months later...


We graduated high school and had a whole ceremony which none of my family members came but Ms.Windle did give me a card with balloons since Ty dropped out but I haven't talked to him since I've been with Sin but we all and went to a restaurant meaning Kayla, Sy, Jazz, Wiz and Mike but now we are ready for the summer that we all have planned, Sin and I been doing great honestly we put our past behind us and we are doing a great job being together.

"So what's everyone doing after this summer because it's close to an end" Kayla sips her drink.

"Bitch summer just started, we are in the middle of June" Sin mugs her with his arm around my shoulders.

"Whatever" she rolls her eyes.

"Well I'm going to college for a degree in nursing so I can become an RN" I bite into my pizza and grab a napkin to wipe my mouth.

"Yo ass doing that online" I smack my teeth at Sin since he's been wanting me to get my degree online so I don't have to move but I really wanna go.

"But I want a college experience" I mumble and sip my sprite.

"You will... I'm our room on a laptop" he smiles down at me and I groan not wanting to have this conversation.

"I'm gonna trap this shit out til Q take over" He shrugs.

"Same" Wiz and Mike say together.

"I'm just gonna be an assistant for this company cause this guy said he'd hook me up wit the position" Kayla says looking over at wiz but he doesn't pay her no mind.

Kayla cheated on Wiz a couple months ago once they officially got together and he found out once she got pregnant but aborted it because she wasn't ready to become a mom so it could've been Wiz's baby we will never know but I still love her and support her.

"That's good Kayla!" I give her a smile and she smiles back but I can tell she's sad.

"I don't know yet" Jazz mumbles.

"That's fine as long as you figure it out sooner or later you'll be ite" Mike shoves Jazz lightly making her laugh.

"Where's Yanni?" Wiz asks and Mike shrugs.

"She said she got something to do today" we all nod and continue with our conversation.

We leave the restaurant but I cleaned up the table like always.

"Bro Cmon it's literally their job! Why you always do this?" Sin pulls my hand lightly but I continue putting the plates on top of each other including the cups.

"Done" I smile at my neat work.

"Good now Cmon" he holds my hand and we walk out the restaurant into his new Bear Mountain Lamborghini as he swerved through the street full of cars.

"Slow down before you crash!" I hear him laugh as I put my hands over my eyes.

"Ain't nobody finna crash" he continues driving like a mad man and I peak through my fingers.

We make it to the house and I rush out grabbing my key out my bag opening the front door placing my keys on the little table next to the door along with my shoes.

"Cmon I know you ain't mad cause I was driving" he walks in and I go up the stairs into our bedroom taking off my jacket before hanging it up in our closet.

"Bambi" he enters the room and I go into our bathroom closing the door to go in the shower.

I hop in the the shower once I'm done getting undressed feeling the hot steaming water hit my skin before I hear the sliding glass of the shower open and feel Sins chest behind me.

"Bambi" he kisses my shoulder and I continue washing my body.

I bend down and wash my legs forgetting he's even in the shower with me before he slams his dick into me.

"S-shit" I slam against the shower wall gripping his thigh with one hand.

"When I talk to you I expect a fucking response! You hear me?" He pounds into me harder and my mouth is stuck open.

He did a couple stroke before holding my leg up hitting my spot over and over as I moan his name feeling like I'm going to pass out with his dick inside me.

"Y-yes" I moan feeling my legs go weak.

"Come" I came and he did right with me before slipping out of me making my pussy miss his dick.

"Good girl" he kisses me.

He held me up and washed me off before washing himself off helping me hop out the shower drying myself off and putting lotion on my skin.

"Baby imma go back to the trap I'll be home late but I'll be here when you wake up" he was already dressed and came in the bathroom seeing me with my lace red set I bought.

"Fuck" he mumbled under his breath.

"Okay baby see you in the morning" I peck his lips about to walk away and he pulls me by my neck giving my a sloppy tongue kiss before letting me go and slapping my ass.

He walks out and I get tired so I don't even put on a shirt or anything so I go back in my room seeing Bruno sleeping on his doggy bed, crawl into the bed black silk sheets and fall asleep.

Missing my sy every minute.


Someone's been stealing my money lately and I still didn't find who it is so I call the only person I know that can catch this rat.

"Ayeee Sin I haven't talked to you on a long ass time" I hug Toni and she smiles like a goofball.

"Hey Toni wassup wit you? I haven't seen yo ass in months" she sparks up her blunt and shrugs.

"After Keke died I've been chill bruh" I nod knowing that was a huge death on her.

"After that shoot out I been staying low before I found out it was them niggas on the east side that killed her one of em named King" she takes another hit.

"He dead now?" I grab up my stack of money in rubber bands.

"Hell yea nigga so now I'm tryna get back on my shit" she smiles.

"Yea i gotchu bruh imma give you this job since you good at finding niggas I need to know who stealing from me" she nods still listening.

"It's somebody on my circle and I need you to find out who the rat is" I put the money in a duffel bag.

"I gotchu bro but you heard from Z cause I know she probably still rocking wit Ty yellow self" she laughs.

"What?" I mug and she continues smoking her blunt.

"Nigga what you mean what? Ty and Z were together in the beginning of the school year on senior year" I clench my jaw and suck my teeth.

"She was wit him?" She nods and I get up grabbing my gun.

"Bro where you going!?!" She yells as I open the door.

"Bring every fucking body to the alleyway on 7th street and tell them they better be there before I am or else imma pistol whip they ass ite?" She nod and starts calling people as I get in my car.

Imma kill that nigga.

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