Chapter 15

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I went home and saw my aunt drinking a beer watching Sex and the City while crying her eyes out so I sat next to her and she laid her head on my lap.

"You know I love you right?" She sniffles and I massage her scalp.

"Yes I know." I whisper watching the show with her.

She falls asleep after a couple minutes so I carefully get up and kiss her forehead after putting a blanket on her for her to not get cold or get sick since they central air conditioning is on, I go upstairs into my room seeing Bruno bark out the window probably barking at a squirrel and went in my bathroom to take a shower before meeting up with Ty. Once I was done with my hygiene I got out and took off the shower cap letting my black box braids fall down my back before going back in my room to look in my closet for an outfit.

Is this a date?

Maybe he just wants to hang out? What if we under dress... or do too much?

I take a deep breath trying to calm down my nerves before grabbing a black skin tight black dress, a black Jean jacket to cover up and some black heels and some lip gloss with some lashes.

I take a deep breath trying to calm down my nerves before grabbing a black skin tight black dress, a black Jean jacket to cover up and some black heels and some lip gloss with some lashes

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This is the fit^

I spray my perfume smelling like sweet honey and coco butter before grabbing a small black purse along with my keys,phone,emergency pads and gum.

"Bye bye Bruno" I kiss his head and don't bother putting food in his bowl since he hasn't been eating much lately which is starting to worry me a little.

I go downstairs and see my aunt is still sleep comfortably before my pine dings causing me to jump and take my phone out my purse to see a text from Ty.

Baby Ty🤍🤞🏾

Tyler: I'm outside❤️

Zyana: Just on time baby. Coming right now🥰

I open the door and see his car outside my driveway so I lock the door before walking towards his car and strapping up my seat belt after giving him a kiss on the cheek. Chill Z.

"Damn girl you look fine baby" I smile at his compliment and say a low thank though before looking at his outfit.

He wore a tux shirt that had a tie already printed on it along with some black ripped jeans.

"Boy what are you wearing" I laugh and he looks at his outfit before mugging me.

"No nigga is gonna wear a real suit Z so I had to improvise" he smirks pulling out out the drive way onto the road.

"Well I think it's cute you made an effort" he smile more and continues driving.

We talked during the car ride for a little bit before pulling up to the taco place. He parks and gets out but before I can open the door he opens it for me.

"Here M'lady" I laugh at his foolishness and grab his hand.

We walked in and he already made reservations for us to sit in one of the booths near the window giving a good view of the city towers and the busy roads full of cars. We ordered our food and started talking like we known each other for forever, I'm always comfortable with him and it makes me feel fuzzy inside.

"What happened at school that had you so stressed baby girl?" He takes a bite of his taco.


"Just rumors about me.." I start to find my nails interesting all of a sudden.

"What rumor? It can't be that bad" he gave
me all his attention.

"There is a video of this girl that looks like me but she isn't and he's doing sexual activities with Sin" I bite my lip nervously before looking up at him become quiet.

Fuck he probably thinks I'm lying.

"It wasn't me but everyone else did besides my close friends and then everyone was catcalling and stuff but I swear it wasn't anybody so now people stopped caring cause sin did something and told them it wasn't me but I still feel like some p-" he laughs and I stop talking.

"Baby i knew it wasn't you in that video" I turn my head confused.

"Z... you always had braces since the beginning of high school and in that video the girl didn't have any braces, relax" he grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Oh thank god" I start laughing to myself shaking my head.

"Is that why you was ignoring me?" I nod.

"Aww baby I wish you would've told me sooner" he rubs my hand and we both laugh some more before finishing our meals.

The waitress puts the check on the table and I go in my purse to pay because I don't believe the man should pay for the first date. If this is even a date. I put down the money and he asks if I'm sure and I nod so we leave to go to the car for him to drop me home.

"Did you enjoy the night?" He turns to me before looking back at the road.

"Of course I did. I would always enjoy my time with you" he smiles bright and puts his hand on my thigh but doesn't move it up.

"I'm glad" he pulls up to my house and we both get out as he holds my hand toward my door step.

"I really did enjoy tonight with you Tyler" I start shifting on my feet.

"I did too baby" he holds both of my hands rubbing them with his thumb.

We stared at each other and was lost in each other feeling tension between us but he doesn't make his move so I decide to cause why the fuck not. I get closer and put my hand on his cheek before standing on my tippy toes and kissing his with a little tongue but nothing too much before pulling away and seeing his light skin blush around his cute freckles.

"Good night Ty" I smile and walk into my house letting out a breath smiling harder before looking up and my smile drops.

"Sit. Now!"

Fuck me.

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