Chapter 33

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"Fuckkkk sinnyboo your dick is so big" Lia moans as I'm hitting her shit from the back feeling no type of arousal.

Yes. I fucked up but bruh I can't help that shit when Bambi is literally making my dick hungry and not even letting me get a taste since.. shit I don't keep count of the days unless it's important which is why I'm having my last time fucking whoever I want whenever I want but I wan let my hoes go just to have my baby Bambi to myself.

"S-sinnyyyyy booo" she moans out and came on my dick as she holds onto the door knob as he legs shake.

I didn't even get my fucking nut.

The door opens seeing Q's eyes get big and Lia screams while I'm wiping my dick off with her shirt before throwing it at her after fixing my pants walking out like nothing happened.

"Sin help!!!" She cries seeing her on the ground looking like a dirty slut with come all over herself, I turn my head and walk away not giving a fuck.

"Did you just fuck Lia?!" Q gets in front of me and sizes me up when he knows he's only 5'11 while I'm 6'6.

"Yes and?" I mug him while I shove him out my way.

"You cheated on my mama nigga! I'll put yo big foot, long neck, ass crack on da ground nigga before you could even beg me to stop" he bucks at me and I mush his head away.

"Stay in a child's place lil nigga" I walk into my homeroom and see Z sleeping on her desk with Mike laying his head on her lap.

Too fucking close.

I pull Mike up and push him out the seat while he groans complaining about why I do too much and other bullshit.

"Get up yo" I shake her and she doesn't even pay me no mind.

"Bambi pay attention bro" she puts her head up and looks at the board ignoring my presence.

I don't even wanna get into it with her so I listen to Mr.Hixens lesson tryna keep my focus on the board but I keep looking over at Bambi noticing her eyes are closed.

Does she want to fail? Nigga one of us gotta pay attention.

I get out my seat and grab her before going back in my seat with her on my lap getting comfortable as she puts her arms over my neck with her face in my neck.

"Why you so tried?" I rub her back knowing she still don't like me.

She shrugs and I ignore that cause I know she's tired and not in the mood to talk so I let her slide but shes gonna tell me after school what the hell been going on with her.


I didn't talk to anyone the whole day feeling my mood drop all of a sudden especially since I can't see my aunt knowing I could always talk to her about anything but I guess she can't talk to me. I'm waiting for Micheal to come and I see Q with his friends making me smile a bit seeing him dunk on top of one of them laughing before seeing me and running up to me giving me a hug.

"Oof- boy you know you too big for this" I laugh.

"Shut up but you ain't hear this from me but look" he passes me his phone and I see a video on Lia sucking some guys dick.

"Who's that?" I say with a stank face taking a sip of my water.

"Me" I choke on my water feeling water spill out my nose making my nose sting.

"Q when the hell did that happen?" I slap his arm.

"DAYUMMM ma it happened after Sin got his round" he slaps his hand over his mouth and I giggle.

I don't care but I do since he touched me after his round.

"It's okay Q. Lia can have him" I hear a beep and it's Micheal.

"Okay see ya baby" I hug him and walk towards his car slamming the door an accident.

"Slam my door and imma slam you" he mug and drives away from the school.

He won't do shit.

"What is this meeting about?" I ask looking out the window.

"A contract that was finalized this year dealing with a deal between our family and Sins family therefore we must keep our word" I look at him confused.

"What does they have to do with me?" He sigh and shakes his head.

"He will explain" I nod slightly feeling terrified.

We turns onto Sins block and driving toward his trap into the drive way before hopping out making my nerves hit me like a brick finally being able to know what the hell been going on with my parents and Sin's connections with us.

We walk in and I follow Micheal going down a hall before turning into two big doors seeing Wiz, Mike, Sin, some more of his men looking at us as we walk in feeling all eyes on us before my dad sits in the seat next to mine which is directly across from Sin. He wants to hold me in class after fucking Lia with his filthy body knowing damn well I wouldn't have stayed in his arms knowing what shit but I was so tired after talking to Bruno about my problems since he's the only one that listens to my rants but either way Simon doesn't deserve shit from me not even a damn hand shake.

"Well Ms.Miller I know you are confused on why you are here" Sin smirked thinking he's funny while I need a stale face.

"What is this about?" I cross my arms over the table feeling like he's gonna say some bullshit like my family owning him money so I have to work for him.

"How about you find out Bambi" he slides a file toward me and I slam my hand on the table catching the file before it fell.

Let the truth unravel.

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