Chapter 47

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I didn't sleep at all staring out into the window not being about to feel anything honestly I feel numb, broken, lost not feeling anything at all lost nowhere not even in my head I'm not even here my mind is else where. The door opens and I don't even bother looking at who it is because I don't even care, it could be my dad and I wouldn't care not one bit but I felt a hand on my shoulder as I stiffen still sitting on the ledge of the big window.

"Doctor said it's been a month" Wiz sighs and I don't even react.

"We have to go back to the house Ma I know you don't want to see him but it's either that or I die. I'm sorry" I stay silent not even caring.

He picks me up and I put my head in the crook of his neck while he walks down the fall toward the front door as a the door bell rings so he opens it and I shut my eyes.

I haven't seen or talked to sin in a couple days since I was with wiz at his house because I was crying and sobbing these past few days begging him to let me stay with him.

"Why she on you like dat bruh" Sins voice hits my ear and I tighten my grip on Wiz.

"She's scared because of you now come on and lead me to yo car bruh" he still carries me and was about to put my on the passengers seat but I don't let go.

"Back seat?" I nod and he puts me in the back seat before closing the door.

I look out the window not wanting to see Sin's face as he slams the car door and drives towards the house in silence leaving us in uncomfortable silence which id rather be in than talk to him.

"Bambi" I don't respond and feel like I'm going to cry again.

"Come on baby I'm sorry" he parks in the driveway and turns to look at me.

"Talk to me bruh I know I fucked up badly I swear I'll do better" I keep quiet and step out the car while rain drops down on my hoodie.

I can't even look at him the same or feel the warm and calming feeling whenever I think of him but now it's just cold.

Couple days later...

I'm in a separate room since Wiz had a talk with Sin about how I'm not going to get better if he keeps trying to force me to sleep in the same bed as him. He tried to force me and I kept crying, screaming even shaking as he held me in his arms until he would fall asleep and I'd lay on the ground away from him as possible since he locked the bedroom door with a key so I couldn't get out, honestly I didn't think I can get him to leave me alone until Wiz came and I only trust him so I told him what's been going on therefore he helped me get my own room. The boys are over and I'm in my room playing with Bruno's little favorite toy that I got him when he was 4 years old and then I heard the door open to see Q walk in.

"Hey ma" Q hugs me and I flinch making him look at me confused before approaching me slowly.

"I ain't gonna hurt you ma why you flinching for? Where Bruno?" I take a deep breath and play with my hoodie strings.

"S-sin killed h-him" I whisper and he gives me a "what the fuck" look.

"I'm sorry ma" that's all I ever heard these past few days over and over like it's going to make me feel better.

Sin yells for Q and he leaves my room but I stop him.

"Q...C-can you get me a razor to shave my legs cause yea" he nods and leaves the room.

I took a nap and I start to feel myself falling asleep feeling at peace until I feel someone shaking me out my sleep making me jump up.

"You good I just got you yo razor" he waves the pink razor and I let out a little chuckle.

"T-thank you" i smile at him before I drops seeing Sin enter the room.


"Out Q it's time to go" he nods and walks out before Sin walks up to me.

"Bambi stop wit this sad shit bruh you know I love you and wouldn't hurt you" I start shaking before he kisses my forehead.

I shake my head no trying to get away but he grabs my ankle to pull me towards him and get on top of me kissing on my neck as I squirm.

"So sexy Bambi" he rips my pants off with my underwear and I start crying and panicking.

"N-no" I try fighting him off until he slowly enters me not getting a sound out of me but a silent cry.

I lay numb on the bed as he continues while I get flashbacks that I never even knew happened in my life but this moment awakens me.


"Simon no!" He pushes me in the bathroom stall and laughs.

"Cmon everyone does it, stop being a baby" I cry fighting him off.

"Stop Simon!" I sob as he rips my stockings under my little school skirt.

He kisses me and I try screaming begging for someone to come into the school bathroom but before I knew it I blacked out.

"WHAT HAS YOUR SON DONE!" I hear my mom yell.

"It doesn't matter you signed the papers Tamika she belongs to Simon anyways" I'm stuck in pitch black.

"You bastard! That's my daughter! He raped my fucking daughter! I want off" she screams while I try to move.

"Keep it down Tamika you are getting your cocaine so chill yo daughter will be ite I'll just send Sin away" I feel cold metal on my back.

"Leave" my mother yells and I feel a warm hand on my leg.

"I'm so sorry baby"

End of flashback.

"Fuck" he pulls out and I lay there not feeling a single thing.

"I love you Bambi" he kisses me and I just lay there before he exits.

I stand up after a couple minutes feeling he cum drop down my leg as I grab the razor and banging it on the top of the wooden bed side table for the plastic around the razor to break, I walk to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror seeing a broken woman with no life in her eyes but that's all I see trying to figure out who that was in the mirror because it didn't look nothing like me. I sat on the ground and start slicing my wrists finally feeling something within me and I smile finally feeling better before I feel fuzzy in the inside getting tired as my eyes feeling heavy but I know I'm at peace now.

"I'm sorry baby" I feel my eyes shut and the calm feeling takes over.

I'm free.

BAMBI | unedited|Where stories live. Discover now