Chapter 19

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"What's wrong baby? And who's clothes are you wearing?" Ty and my aunt look at me strange.

"Just um..." I look at at my aunt with a "bitch help me" eyes.

"She had a sleep over with her cousin Tré and she didn't have any clothes... how was tré and his mom?" She smiles and continues going into the fridge.

"It was-" I felt a hard chest behind me and froze.

"Oh hey Sin what you doing here bruh?" Ty smiles walking up to him while I move to the side uncomfortable while they dapped each other up.

Yup. I'm fucked.

"Nun needed to give Z her phone... what yo ass doing here?" He rubs his hand together.

"Just hanging with Z's aunt since I was waiting for Z to come home" he looks at me smiling but I don't smile back.

"Thanks for the phone bye now!" I snatch the phone and slam the door in his face.

"That was rude baby" he wraps his arms around my waist softly.

If only you knew.

"I just felt like too many people were in here you know? Too many things been going on and I'm too stressed" I sigh and he rubs my cheek with his thumb.

"Well it's okay baby" he pecks my lips and I smile.

"Let's go cook these cookies I got" he smiles and I dash into the kitchen.

I take out all the ingredients and Chanel calls me to the backyard so I give Ty a kiss on the cheek and walk with her outside.

"Aunt Chanel I'm so sor-" she hugged all the air out of me.

"Oh my lord I thought I lost my baby!" She cries and I start to tear up.

"Oh Chanel I didn't mean to worry you I promise it's just everything was hitting me at once and it was too much" I rub my hand up and down her back.

"No Z I'm sorry for agreeing to things in the past... I'm so sorry and I need you to know that no matter what I love you okay?" She pulls away looking in my eyes in all seriousness.

"Y-yes but I'm confused?" I turn my head.

"I know." She lets me go and we go back into the kitchen.

What is with everyone acting so nervous or regretful when it comes to me and stuff from the past?

"Baby I did everything but all we need to do now is wait" he smiles with flour all over his face.

He's so adorable.

"Okay wanna chill in my room until the cookies are done?" He nod and we go up to my room.

"You better not be doing grown folk business up in that room Zyana!" Chanel yells making me giggle.

We get to my room and Bruno jumps on me barking.

"Ohh baby I'm sorry I scared you" I get on my knees to hold him.

"Who's this?" Ty pets Bruno and he licks his hand.

What the hell?

"This is Bruno... I'm surprised he likes you since he never really likes people" I watch them interact and it melts my heart a little bit.

"Well I did use to work at a animal shelter and petco to groom animals so I guess it paid off for me and Bruno here to be close" he picks him up and Bruno licks all over his face.

I smile and go to my closet to get some pajamas with shorts since Ty is here before walking out to go into my bathroom.

"I'm gonna take a shower, there is the remote and I have Netflix" i pony where the remote is and go in the bathroom.

I take my off my clothes and hop in the shower scrubbing every where on my body before rinsing off, once I'm done I get out and wrap a towel around me before grabbing my lotion and coco butter to moisturize my skin and get dressed into my over sized blue shirt with black shorts and putting on my black bonnet before walking out.

"You look gorgeous baby" he lays on his back with Bruno cuddled up on his side.


I get on the bed and see that he put on The Bee Movie which is one of my favorite movies as a kid a couple minutes went by and Chanel came in with the cookies on a plate.

"Thank you" we say together then laughing after.

"No funny business in ma house?" She playfully glares and closes the door behind her.

We ate the cookies and we finished the movie before it took a... strange turn....

"ARE WE GONNA BE BEES OR KEYCHAINS!?!" I yell with my cape on.

"Bees!" He shouts.

"Key chains" Chanel yells in the corner.

I don't know how we got to acting this whole movie out but we did.

"Well kiddos I'm tried. Ty you wanna sleep over darling?" He looks at me and I nod.

"Yes I'd appreciate that" he smiles and my aunt leaves after saying good night.

Bruno was on the ground in his little bed so we had the bed to ourselves, I laid down and he laid down on the other side so I moved closer to him since I know he can be a bit shy when it come to my boundaries so I make the first move to lay in his arms.

"Can I kiss you?" He says out of no where making me laugh.

"Yes, you can kiss me Ty" he leans in and places his lips on mine before I get on top of him tasting a little bit of the sugar cookies we made before I start grinding my hips against him before he stopped me.

"I'm not ready" he stops kissing me and I nod.

"It's okay baby, it's no rush I promise" I peck his lips and lay next to him.

If he's not ready then I'll wait just like he would wait for me. We end up laying in each other's arms and falling asleep feeling warm.

I think I love him.

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