Chapter 9

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"YOU DID WHAT?" Jazz yelled causing the whole restaurant to look at us.

Currently I am at SteakNShake with the Toni, Kayla and Jazz sitting in a booth all together with Toni and Jazz in front of Kayla and I.

"You said no to meeting your dad?" They all look at me like I'm dumb.

"Yes bruh I was not gonna let him back in my life the fuck? I'm doing perfectly fine without his bum ass" I sip my sprite and roll my eyes.

"Bro just give him a chance people change all the time just like a auntie willis, she was addicted to meth and now she bakes cookies every Friday" Jazz shrugs taking a bite of her burger.

"Meth cookies Jazz.... that's still not healthy dumb ass" Kayla shake her head before turning back to me.

"I think you made a good decision wit your pops cause that nigga did leave yo ass" I nod my head agreeing with Kayla.

My phone started ringing in my pocket. I grab it and see a unknown number so I decline and continue eating until the same number calls back.

"Excuse me" Kayla gets up for me to slide out the booth and go outside feeling a cold breeze hit me while cars go by the city roads so I stand close to the restaurant in a quiet alleyway answering the call.

"Yes?" I put the phone into my ear waiting for the person on the other line to say something.

"Zyana?" I froze.

"Don't call me again" I hang up frustrated and hurt just hearing his voice.

"Z?" I jump and turn around to see Ty one of Sin's friends.

"Oh hey Ty wassup?" I laugh a little feeling my heart rate slow down.

"Didn't mean to scare you ma it was just I saw you kinda scared on the phone, you ite?" He looks genuinely concerned.

"Yea I just um... got off the phone with someone I don't have too many good moments with." I look at my shoes breaking the intense eyes contact we had.

"Damn well don't let them fuck up yo day baby but how you been?" He puts his hands in his pockets.

"I been good Tyler" I laugh making his face go serious.

"Quit wit the government Zyana" I continue laughing cause I don't got no opps out in the streets.

It gets quiet between us but is comfortable silence just looking up at each other since he looks different from the last time I seen him but he looks better then he did before with his long neat dreads and freckles all over his face making his light skin look more unique.

"you wanna give me yo number?" He breaks the silence smirking like a little boy.

"Nigga what you tryna do?" He rolls his eyes smiling making a smile form on my face.

He has adorable dimples.

"Man Z we been knew each other for a good minute shii shorty I just wanna talk" I laugh shaking my head and looking back at him smiling.

"Sure Ty but don't think imma fuck with you like that.... I know who you are including what you be doing" he sucks his teeth playfully and grins.

"Girl just slide me yo number" he gives me his phone and I put in his number.

Ty and I use to be close friends freshman and sophomore year but then we just drifted apart even though we never planned on losing contact along with our friendship it just happened over time.

"Here" I pass his phone back and he calls my phone before hanging it up.

"Needed to make sure yo mean ass ain't give me a fake number" we laugh and hug before I go back inside and walk to the booth until I see Lia sitting there next to Jazz.

This bitch.

I walk up and Kayla stands up letting me slide back in my seat, she sat down right next to me before the table gets quiet and I feel Lia's eyes on me so I look up at her with a straight face until she looks down feeling uncomfortable but I don't break eye contact with her.

"Why it get quiet?" Jazz looked at everyone confused.

"Look we need to talk dis shii out" Toni bites a fri and sits back.

Kayla looks at me and nods so I let out a breath before resting my elbows on the table.

"Sorry for beating yo shit in but I ain't gonna let you disrespect me- uh uh lemme finish" I put my hand up shutting her up.

"I ain't gonna let you disrespect me like you can walk all over me. We won't be friends but that don't mean we can't respect each other anyways we been hated each other before this shit happened so ain't nothing new" I shrug sipping on my sprite.

"Damn she look like a business women dayuuummm" Jazz claps until Toni flicks her head making her rub her head.

"Well I'm coo wit that as long as you stay away from my nigga... I know what the fuck you did at his house" She gives me a stank face and roll her neck.

"You was at his house?" Kayla looks at me serious before her leg starts shaking.


I didn't tell them because it wasn't serious or anything that was important to me especially since I was going to keep it behind me.

"Yea I was but nothing happened so I don't know what the hell she talking about" Kayla sucks her teeth and rubs her face.

"So you wasn't in his bed?" Lia shook her head laughing.

"I was in his bed but we ain't do nothing. I don't like him. I never did and never will cause he ain't shit to me. I hate him and that's all it is so don't worry about him and I becoming a thing cause I don't date thugs." Jazz and Toni's eyes go big while Lia smirks.

What they looking at?

I look behind me and see Wiz,Mike and Sin sitting in the booth behind us. Sin looks at me with hatred with his hands bawled up in a fist making his veins pop out of him arms and mug on his face before grinning.

"Told you she ain't got no feelings for you babe so you should stop wasting yo time on this bitch thinking about her well-being" she mugs me and stands next to sin.

"Yea... you right." He looks at her and grabs her throat before sticking his tongue down her throat.

"Keep yo ass out my way or else." He threatens and walks out the restaurant with Lia and this friends.

She set me up.

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