Chapter 36

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"Get yo ass out my fucking face before I really kill yo ratatouille looking ass" I push Kayla out her seat hearing her head bang on the ground.

Stupid bitch.

Wiz runs down and comes into the kitchen before laughing looking down at Kayla stupid ass crying holding her head.

"Dayummm what happened?" He looked at me and I shrugged.

"Did Q do this shit?" He laughs and I shake my head.

I continue tapping on my phone eating my Oreo's in peace not having shit to do since I put Q ugly ass to work on the trap cause that nigga thinks he can sit around all day not doing shit besides do annoying ass pranks so I'm training him to become... me duh nigga I'm too good at this and gotta pass it on to someone eventually.

"Aww lil ugly come on you ite?" He helps her up and she holds onto him like a koala.

"Wipped" I mumble and Kayla turns towards me with red crying eyes.

"Shut the fuck up! Worry about Z cause I just for a text from Jazz saying she was bout to fuck on her boyfriend asshole!" She mugs and bucks at me.

"What the fuck yo ass just say?" I throw the Oreos at her head and almost leaped across this fucking counter.

She must be out her rabbit ass mind thinking I'm playing wit her stupid ass, I already moved all her shit into a separate room across from my room along with her old ass dog even though she wants him in her room I put that mother fucker in the backyard in a cage.

"I bet her boyfriends real whipped" she continues rubbing her head until the door opened and a angry Bambi walked it.

I guess we both fed up.

"Where the fuck is my stuff!??" She yells walking into the kitchen.

"Where the hell you been at!?" I mug looking at her neck.

"Bambi you got ten seconds to get yo ass out my face wit them hickeys bruh" I clench my fists and get out my seat.

"No! We ain't fucking together now where the hell is my stuff at?!" She bangs her hand on the table still in my fucking face with them slutty ass hickeys all over.

"Move bruh before I make yo ass cry" Wiz and Kayla walk out the kitchen and leaves the house leaving us alone.

"Fuck you! You want to control me and shit but can't even acknowledge the fact that you are so fucking difficult!" I mug her and try my hardest not to rock her shit and dump her ass in a dumpster.

"I'm difficult? I ain't fucking on other bitches after discussing our contract!" She scoffs and starts laughing.

"Fuck you! You know I regret signing that shit so don't you dare use that against me!" She yells pushing me for my back to hit the counter behind me.

"Too fucking bad yo ass can't leave! Your mom didn't want to have yo slutty ass so she had to make sure you'd get someone and Bambi we all know you were fucking ugly! So she did yo ungrateful ass a favor leaving you with me cause all these other niggas don't even bother to look at yo ugly ass!" I get in her face seeing her lip quiver knowing I hurt her makes me feel terrible in the inside.

I know she's insecure and my words hit her hard especially when I talk about her appearance but I ain't being for real real wit her, she needs to stay in her place and stop wit this big ass attitude she's been giving me.

"Well you weren't great either sy. Your mother didn't even get to hold you before she fucking died giving birth so I guess both of our moms left" she said through gritted teeth and I snap.

I grip her neck choking her before slamming her on the wall feeling her nails scratch my hand while her legs swing in the air.

"Don't relate my mom to yo crackhead ass mama" tears fall down her cheeks and her eyes get wide.

I let go and she starts coughing in the ground holding her neck while I walk away going up the stairs towards my room before feeling something hit my head hard making me fall to the ground.

"Ahh fuck!" I groan and hear a pan fall on the ground.

"Don't you dare touch me like that" she walks away and I grab her ankle hearing her body hit the ground.

I get close to her and flip her on her back getting on top of her with her legs wrapped around my waist pinning her wrists above her head while she squirms underneath me, I started feeling my pants get tight knowing my dick is close to her pussy so I "accidentally" pound my dick on her shorts directly against her pussy hearing her lowly whine making me smirk knowing she feels how i feel in this position, I kiss all over her face and she tries moving away from me each time I kiss her chocolate skin.

"Relax." I kiss under her chin onto her sweet spot and she shudders against me.

"You want to play around wit other niggas?" I kiss on her spot again and she grinds on my dick.


"Answer me Bambi" I hold her wrists in one hand and put the other one underneath her shirt on her breast.

"P-please Sy we aren't together" She wiggles and her breast bounced in my hand with her soft nipples between my fingers.

"We don't gotta be fucking together" I squeeze her tit hard and she moans arching her back pressing her tit more into my hand.

"But yo ass still mine" I get in her face looking at her glossy eyes feeling the strong eye contact between us as she shakes her head in denial but I get off her not wanting to have this conversation so I walk into my office.

She gonna learn soon.

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