Chapter 29

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It's currently Monday a new week means new fresh days await for me so I get up extra early and got dressed comfy with a brown crop top, grey shorts and my brown slides after I fed Bruno feeling that I've neglected him but all he does now is lay in my bed sleeping after eating out his bowl which is weird because usually I take a walk with him but he never wants to anymore.

It's currently Monday a new week means new fresh days await for me so I get up extra early and got dressed comfy with a brown crop top, grey shorts and my brown slides after I fed Bruno feeling that I've neglected him but all he does now is lay in...

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"Bye baby" I kiss his head and go off to the kitchen not smelling any bacon or pancakes.

Where auntie Chanel been at?

I call the last person I don't even want to talk to but I need to know where she is.

"What?" Micheal yells in his phone.

"Where is Chanel?" I ignore his out burst but my ear is still ringing from his loud ass mouth.

It got quiet and he hung up in my face before I could even ask if he was still there.


I get in my car after grabbing my bag, phone, keys and a water bottle since it's hot outside before I called her I started my car ready to pull out the driveway, my phone calls went straight to voicemail every time I called her phone leaving a voice mail until I got sick and tired of it so I text her wanting to know where the hell she was, I'm more worried because I haven't seen her since last week. I call once again getting out my car once I parked in the senior parking lot of the school walking towards the entrance as I'm cussing her out in her voicemails leaving hundreds of messages in her phone until someone taps me on my back while I'm cussing her out and handling my locker.

"WHAT!?" I turn around and I see Ty.


"I'm sorry baby I'm just stressed" I lay my head on his chest smelling his sweet vanilla scent.

What man wears vanilla scent?

"It's fine. Just talk to me when you need someone to rant to okay?" He smile looking down at me and I nod kissing him before pulling away to go to my home room.

I sit down and everyone looks at me like I'm scary or gonna harm them in any type of way but I ignore it and sit in my seat waiting for Toni but when she comes in she looks at me and sits away. What the fuck? Mike and Wiz walk in and don't even acknowledge me as if I wasn't even in the class until Sin walked in with no expression on his face like always walking towards the seat next to me.

"What's wrong with Mike and Wiz?" I whisper while I tap him.

"Nothing" he looks up front at the board.

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