Chapter 24

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"Get out of this bed! You smell like must and your room is disgusting!" Auntie Chanel yells but I don't even care anymore.

I haven't been to school since that night Friday and it's now Thursday honestly there is no meaning of trying if eventually I will just end up dying. I don't care if i fail that Civics project with the group but I do feel bad I'm leaving them alone with it since I gave myself the job of managing everyone which I did do so it's all on them.

"Baby what's wrong?" She touches my head softly while Bruno cries in the corner knowing I'm suffering in the inside.

I still feed Bruno but after that I just crawl in my bed and stare into the wall or fall asleep not even caring if my phone goes off with notifications or phone calls but it soon ended once I let my phone die and didn't even have motivation to plug it up. Honestly I don't know if I can forgive Ty for what he did to me at the party but I know he's came to my house to see what was wrong with me since he doesn't remember what he did that night which makes me feel a little bit better knowing he would never do that to me with a clear mind but I needed time to myself this week honestly i want someone to come but I don't think it would be a good idea.


"Nigga how you get in here?" Mike glares eating his fries when Q walks in.

"Damn nigga yo crimson chin having ass always on my ass" Q mugs Mike and sits next me with Lia on my lap.

I look around and I didn't see Bambi in the cafeteria but now that I'm thinking about it she hasn't been here all week since last Friday.

"Where's Bambi at?" I continue looking around while everyone looks at me confused.

"Bambi?" Wiz starts thinks hard as fuck.

"He calls Z Bambi" Lia rolls her eyes and grabs her hot Cheetos.

Here we go.

"Even though he doesn't give his own ride or die one" everyone looks at her and she rolls her eyes with an attitude.

Imma let dat shit slide.

"Well mamas ain't been here in a minute ever since that party" Mike continues chewing on his nasty ass school food.

Is it because of me? I look over at Q and his fists are clenches with his leg bouncing changing his whole mood before texting on his phone aggressively.

"What's wrong wit you little nigga?" I mug and he mugs me back.

This nigga.

"Nothing bruh" he continues on his phone but something up wit lil dude.

"Ite imma head out this shitty ass school imma catch y'all later" I push Lia off on me and grab my bag.

"Pookie where are you going?" Lia stands up but I ignore her and her gay ass names.

I walk out the cafeteria getting looks from bitches wanting to give me some sloppy toppy but that can wait until I find out what the fuck is going on with Bambi, as I walk towards my car I see Ty crying on a bench looking like he needs a cigarette.

"Ty wassup nigga wassup witchu?" I play wit my chin hair.

"I fucked up bro... I fucked up with my girl" he puts his head in his hands.

"Man it's all good bro just apologize and get ova dat shit, you love her?" He nods.

"Den go get her nigga and stop sitting there lookin like a pussy ass nigga" I open my car door and drive out the senior parking lot onto the road making my way towards Bambi's house.

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