Chapter 12

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"You're so stupid" I hold in my laugh since he never heard my real laugh and I know I don't have one of them cute girly ones.

I'm on FaceTime with Ty since we have Math together and he wanted to do the homework together so he called and we got it done in a hour but then we drifted off to everything and anything that came to our minds. Our conversations went so smoothly and comfortably surprisingly since we haven't talked in a year so knowing we could come back together and act like we never stayed away from each other at one point is perfect.

"So what you on Friday?" He throws a small basketball up in the air before catching it.

"I don't know yet. Why?" He smiles and looks at the camera.

Them dimples are a weakness.

"Shit you wanna go to my house party Friday? Almost everyone gonna be there including yo little friends" I let out a breath and shake my head no playing with my nails.

"Why not baby?" He licks his lips concerned.

Baby?.... Looks like imma need new underwear.

"Uhh... I don't know. Parties aren't really my thing and the last one I ended up getting into it with Lai" I look up and see him thinking.

"How about you come just to hang with me for a couple hours and if anyone messes with you I'll just make them leave how about that?" He plays with his rings on his fingers getting a little nervous.

"Okay... I can deal with that" he smiles up at me and I smirk feeling butterflies.

"Well baby imma hit you up tomorrow ite?" I nod and he hangs up after saying goodnight.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding until now feeling butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him. Ty is a very sweet and laid back type of guy with a future ahead of him, he already has a plan for his future. He wants to become a psychiatrist and go to a college in Arizona until he moves to California and live there for a couple years of his life. I've never felt this way before with anyone besides Sin when I was younger but now it's like it's on a different level of feelings since I'm older and ready for anything with him because I already know him from previous years so I know he won't hurt me or force me to do anything I don't want to do.

I go in my closet and grab a black long hoodie before going into the bathroom to change into it without anything underneath it besides my thong. I start brushing my teeth after I was done getting dressed so I turned off the light switch and got into my bed to go to sleep until my phone started to ring.

Fuck! Nobody wants me to sleep.

I answer the one phone and Jazz is all up in the camera.

"What" I rub my eyes feeling the light from my phone hit me.

"You sleep?" I look at her stupidly.

"No I'm just practicing for my funeral dumb ass" I roll my eyes and turn my head to the other side.

"Why would you practice for that?" She gasps but I just ignore her stupid ass.

"What is it Jazz" I start to doze off.

"Oh yea! I wanted to ask if you if you saw that video of you and Sin on Instagram?" I shoot my head up and go straight to Instagram.

"What the fuck you talking about!?" I go on Lia's account and don't see anything.

"It's on the Expose account of the school" She sends the post and I am lost for words.

It's a video of some girl that looks kinda like me sucking Sins dick but it sure as hell wasn't my black ass.

"That's not me bruh" Jazz nods while taking a hit of her blunt.

"Yea we know it ain't you but everybody thinks it you" I feel like crying but I'm more angry than sad.

"Who runs this account?" She rubs her neck and sighs.

"Lia.." She mumbles

"Of course bruh" I laugh trying to calm myself down.

Lia is always gonna keep fucking with me if I don't give her a good ass beating but this time I put her ass straight in the hospital for a couple weeks.

"And Toni.." My jaw drops.


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