Chapter 2

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I was currently getting ready to go to work at this Tattoo spot that I found up the block underneath a deli since it does illegal tattoos for kids, infants, adults and animals but I just tattoo people 16 and up cause who got time for a charge?

Not me.

I walked out the house and made my way towards the deli seeing a whole bunch of people around it smoking, dancing, kissing and even arguing.

"Wassup Z" One of my common customers and best friend Eli smiles pulling me for a hug.

I smile and hug him back as we swing side to side against each other. Eli and I are just friends that get confused as a couple whenever we hang out but he got a whole baby mama with a kid on the way but also he has a girlfriend name Asia.

"How you been? I haven't seen you around I actually started to miss you" he looks at me like I'm full of shit causing me to laugh.

"Now Baby Z you kno damn well you ain't miss a nigga but I've been with Quanda ass since she lives in New York with my Zyla" (his daughter) he smiles thinking about his baby.

I punch his side and smile.

"I knew you would want to be a daddy once you found out the gender and it's little cute heart beat" I say in a baby voice at the end making him look at me sideways.

We laugh and continue talking while we walked down into the basement where the party begins.

"Baby Z! You gonna do my tat or not?" Shay bald ass asked having a whole attitude.

"Yea chill! Just sit in the chair" I roll my eyes and look up at Eli.

He laughs and shakes his head.

"You better get to yo tattoo mamas, but imma hit you up later" he give me a hug and walks out.

Now time to tattoo this bitch.... that's why her lace lifting.

I was tattooing her for three hours since she wanted a whole sleeve tattoo while my phone rung on the table so I told her to give me a minute and I saw it was Toni🤞🏾 wanting to FaceTime. I accepted and set my phone up to continue shays tattoo.

"Hey pretty. You gonna let me eat you out when you come over" Toni said with low red eyes.

I laughed and shook my head at this bitches foolishness.

"Chill Toni but imma come over there in a minute after I'm done with shay" I continue shading in the roses.

"Okay princess see you when you over- BRING SUM SNACKS" I heard one of the niggas yell.

"Ite" I giggle hanging up the phone to continue concentrating.

I got done with this bitch tat getting my easy $300 and walked out saying bye to everyone until I got in my car heading towards the corner store close to Toni's Apartment. I got everything and made my way towards her house with my music booming. I pulled up parking in her drive way and got out with all the snacks that I could grab.

I knock on the door until it opened since it wasn't closed all the way.

"I'm herrrrree" I shout walking into the kitchen passing a whole bunch of stank niggas.

As soon as I put the snacks down on the table them niggas grabbed everything they wanted leaving me with a damn Snickers Bar.

Stingy ass niggas.

I went upstairs and opened Toni door seeing her eating Keke out like it's her last meal.

"Get out bruh!" Toni shouts throwing a shoe at me.

"Eat eat eat uglahhh" I laugh closing the door bumping into someone.

I look and it's Lia with Simon looking high as hell.

"My bad" I look at Lia avoiding Simons ugly cute ass.

Damn he got some sexy ass chin hair.

"Watch where you going" he flicks my forehead before chuckling off with Lia while I stay behind them going downstairs onto the couch next to Jazz high ass while Simon sits across from me with Lia in his lap.

I ate my snickers bar until I hear someone call my name so I look up and see Lia ass looking at me with a grin.

"Wassup?" I pull out my phone to scroll through my insta.

"You think you could get Sin and I some condoms when you can?" She rubs on his dick above his shorts biting her lip.

I look to the left then look to the right tryna see who she talking to.

"Whatever since you wanna be a bitch looks like he going raw" she rolled her eyes before straddling him.

I hum not giving one fuck or a two fuck about what the hell they did cause why the hell would I care.

That's not my nigga and I'm not about to embarrass myself.

"Sin wanna go upstairs?" She bounces on him.

He looks at her then looks at me before squinting hard.

He's always been a little blind.

"You look hella familiar shawty" he licks his lips looking at me.

I roll my eyes and get up to go into the kitchen for some water for it to be snatched out my hand by Simon.

"If you wanted one you could've asked dick head" I roll my eyes annoyed.

"Stop rolling yo fucking eyes at me. Now what's yo name shawty?" He looks long and hard thinking while rubbing his left eye.

I've obviously changed from the last time he saw me since we were in 7th grade I was skinny and flat everywhere but now I got some C cup tits and somewhat of an ass with a little curve also I ain't bald headed no more.

"Simon stop rubbing your left eye before it gets irritated" I slap his hand away.

He looks at me about to say something and then it hits him cause his face looks shocked and he started cheesing like a goofball.

"Bambi?" He leaned back on the counter and smirked looking over my body making me a little uncomfortable.

"It's Z and stop calling me that shit" I give him a slight stank face before walking out the kitchen sitting back down with Jazz slump ass on the couch.

I don't see Lia so I'm guessing she went upstairs to wait for Simon. He came from the kitchen and walked upstairs before he stopped and looked at me.

"Chill out on my government Bambi. It's Sin and only that so watch yo mouth" he warns continuing to walk up the stairs. I woke up not knowing I fell asleep and saw Jazz still sleep with her laying her head on my lap so I slowly move her to get my shoes and say bye to Toni, when I walked up the stairs I heard little moans coming from her grandma room so I laughed to myself and decided to not even fuck with her since she's having her little fun time with Keke.

"F-f-fuckkkk sinnyboo imma come baby- oh shit!!!"someone moans loudly as the bed hits the wall over and over.

"Shut the fuck up damn you gonna wake up Bambi" I hear "Sin" say after the bed stops hitting the wall.

"Fuck her, it's not like she's important right now baby it's only me and you" she says seductively.


"Your voice is annoying cmon get on yo knees real quick foe me" he demanded and I just walked down the stairs slowly not wanting to make a sound.

I get to my car and look at the time on my phone to see it's 2 in the morning.


I drive to get home and sneak into my room since my window was open then grabbed Bruno kissing his head while petting him before changed into a big shirt with my lace underwear underneath because I don't sleep with pants.

Cause that's weird.

I patted the side of the bed telling bruno to hop on which he obeys and curls up next to me letting the darkness take over while the light from the moon shines in.

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