Chapter 32

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I didn't go to school today since I just wanted to hang with Bruno and cheer him up but he won't leave my bed no matter how many times I snap my fingers, he just puts his head up before putting it back down.

"Baby what's wrong?" I lay next to him and pet him.

"How about a car ride baby?" He sticks his tongue out and I pick him up kissing his head walking into the kitchen seeing the food is running out so I make a list of food that I need.

"Looks like we going good shopping babes and then to the park?" He lowly barks and I pick him back up with my list of food walking out the house.

Chanel hasn't answered any of my texts or voicemails, my dad hasn't answered his phone and the bills are stacking up but all I can do is save my money up from tattooing.

This is too much stress on me.


I'm calling Sin taking care of this white ass baby since my ex wanna cry and shit talking about she can't do this shit on her own.

"Ite we can do this tomorrow but would you like for me to bring her to yo office?" I start burping the little bastard in my arms.

"Gotchu." I hang up and call Zyana.

"Zyana-" she interrupted me and cussed me out saying she been calling about a thousand time and something about Chanel.

"Ite bruh chill imma pull up to the crib cause I need to talk to you" I hang up before she can say anything before getting a text.

(282)- 728- 9292

#: Meet me there by 6

I look at the phone and it's 4pm so I lay on the couch with the baby on my chest falling into a little nap.


I went to the store and got my groceries with Bruno looking all happy sticking his tongue out his mouth looking like he's in his own peaceful mind space so I give him a bacon bite that I got for him from the store since he hasn't had them in a long time because Chanel never wanted to buy my baby a eighteen dollar big pack of his favorite treats.

"There you go boy and let's get home cause mama is tired so maybe we can go to the park tomorrow?" I hear him bark making me smile.

I pull up to my house and open the back door for Bruno to jump out on his own following me into the house after I locked my car and the front door going in.

"It's 6:23" I jump and turn back to see Micheal.

"Wassup... dad" I give him a fake smile and pour some water into Bruno's bowl knowing he's thirsty.

"I need to discuss something with you come sit" he waves me over and I come over to the table.

He sits there and rubs his face stressing out whatever he's thinking about knowing he probably gonna tell me that he's tight with money or that he can't pay the bills here so I'm gonna have to move with him which will never happen.

"Well I'm inviting you to a meeting with Sin since we have a lot to discuss about mainly Tamika's mistakes that involved me but i tried to help out wit this bullshit" I roll my eyes and laugh.

"What are you taking about bruh?" He smacks his teeth annoyed that I'm not taking this shit seriously.

"We will discuss that to you tomorrow but you have to know that the meeting is tomorrow after you have class okay? so I will be picking you up once you are done ite?" I nod and he sighs.

"I know you hate me but I love you Zyana even if I wasn't there for you and yo mama I still care for you even with the mistakes I made in the past" he looks at me with all seriousness.

"Thanks Micheal" I smile but it doesn't reach my eyes.

"I'll see you later ite kid?" I nod and he walks toward the door.

"Pull up yo pants you are 57 years old" I yell and he laughs walking out the door.

I sigh and jump on my couch bored out my mind so I FaceTime my baby.

"Heyy baby what you doing?" I smiles in the camera when I see him walking outside somewhere.

"I'm walking to the corner store for my lil cousins but wassup? Where's your auntie?" He and my aunt has gotten closer once we started talking.

"Honestly I don't know and I'm very worried about her baby I haven't seen her since a week ago about to be 2 weeks" I grab a blanket and set my phone up.

"Damn did you call the police?" I shake my head no and he sighs.

"Wait I wanted to know why you live with your auntie" he walks into his house and I hear kids yelling a whole bunch of thank you so I wait before he goes in his room giving me his undivided attention.

"Well it's a long story" he shrugs and let's me continue.

"After my mom died and my dad going to Jail for some bullshit I was either going to live with my grandpa in Texas" I let out a breath.

"Why didn't you live with him?" He brushes out his curly locks of hair.

"He suddenly died along with my uncle on my moms side so they got in contact with my aunt Chanel she wasn't in her right head space to take care of me, she told the court to let me go with a random family until the next day she came back clean and a brand new person so she took my in" he nods and starts to think.

"How did she get clean?" I think and I never thought to ask that.

"I don't know but I'd love to know how she did it over night" I yawn and he smirks.

"Go to sleep baby imma pick you up in the morning for school okay?" I nod and he hangs up.

I snuggle up on the couch with my blanket falling in a deep sleep.

Cant wait for tomorrow to be over.

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