Chapter 13

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I was chillin in my psychology class when devontè came up to me laughing his ass off sitting next to me.

"How was it bro?" He daps me up and I look at him confused asf.

"What yo ass talm bout?" I continue texting Lai.

Sin: What's yo next class after lunch?

Lia: P.E wassup? 👀

Sin: my dick is up but you gonna handle it after this class?

Lia: I gotchu bby 😩

Sin: bet.

"Nigga look" he stuffs his phone in my phone.

"Nigga chill" I snatch his shit and see O'l girl from last year sucking my dick.

"Nigga dis shit old " I throw his phone at him.

"How was she though? I ain't see her as the type to suck some meat" he rubs his hands thinking about it.

"Nigga you weird as fuck. She was ite but shorty still in North Carolina" I shrug going back to my worksheet.

"Wait... so that's not Z?" I look at him and laugh making the whole class look at me.

I mug them and they all go back to doing what they were doing before.

"Nahh that's not Z why the fuck you think that?" I squint at the board for the notes that help with the worksheet.

"Nigga it's all around dat that's Z" I smack my teeth already knowing her ass probably crying over this shit. Why the fuck does dis shit always happens between us.

"You know where Z at?" He nods and continues looks at me.

"Nigga tell me" I mug him and he flinches.

Stupid ass.

"She in dat design class in 600 hall" I say thanks and continue on my phone.


Sin: Cancel until next period.

Lia:Bruhh why? 🙄

Sin: Don't wanna miss lunch on yo ass.

Lia: Wooow ykw I'm so fucking done wit you bro🖕🏼🥱.

I put my phone down and continue my work since a nigga still want to graduate in this bitch ass school. The bell rings and everyone gets out the classroom towards where they need to go so I scan the hall tryna find Bambi but I couldn't find her until I went in the cafeteria.


Embarrassment is a understatement at this point I'm really ready to just leave the school and never come back. I've never felt more humiliated in my life even though it wasn't me in the video I was still getting catcalled and joked on for it so I put on my hood on while sitting down at my normal table during Lunch then Jazz and Kayla walk up and sat on each side of me rubbing my back.

"If anyone messes wit you I'll deal wit them ya heard Z?" I nod at Kayla's words and continue trying not to cry

Honestly I just wanna slap the fuck out of Lia and Toni but I can't get into anything about shit that's fake cause it makes it look like I'm guilty of doing that shit. Kayla and Jazz were talking but they abruptly stop talking before they both get up leaving the table while someone with black sweats sits down.

"Bambi." I ball my hands in fists feeling my blood boiling.

"Put yo head up bruh you ain't no fucking kid so stop acting like dat" he pushes my body a little bit but I continue to hide my face bouncing my leg irritated.

"Leave me alone." I turn my whole body away from him still hiding my face.

He gets up and I relax before he pulls my hair back causing me to scream looking up at his furious expression on his face close to my face before he gripped my jaw from the front rubbing his thumb over my lip.

"Don't let these people get yo ass fucked up bambi" he grips my jaw harder making me whimper.

"Please...just stop" I start tearing up.

He let me go and smacked his teeth before standing on top of the table. I slap his leg and yell at him to get down until he turns his head towards me obviously still mad so I sigh and sit back down.

"Ayee listen the fuck up!" He yells getting everyone attention.

"That video going around ain't even Zyana so chill off that shit before I put my foot up y'all ass." I hide my face starting to feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Zyana ain't do shit with me even if I want her little sensitive ass to fuck me so leave ha ass alone cause that video mad old y'all nigga so no Z don't suck dick.... at least for now she don't so back the fuck off" he continues.

If I was white I would turn red as hell. Thank you melanin.

He gets down while everyone's eyes are still on him until he turns towards them and mugs everyone to go back to what they were doing. I am so happy Ty isn't here today because I know he would be pretty upset but I don't know if he watched the video or not.

"Thank you" I avoid eye contact with him and look at my lap.

He didn't say anything all he did was mug me and walk back to his table of friends. I pick up my head and see Toni walking over here smiling all in my face like she didn't do anything.

"Hey Princess Z, what's going on?" She sits down across from me.

I ignore her and the bell rings so I got up with my bag exiting the cafeteria into the hallway until Toni walks up to me and turns me around to face her.

"Zyana what duh fuckkk wrong witchu?" She semi yelled making a few people look at us.

"Toni bro leave me the fuck alone before I slap the shit outta you" I clench my fists before walking away into my P.E class.

Fake ass bitch.

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