Chapter 14

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"So what? It was just a joke why she trippin? It wasn't even her bro." Toni snatched the blunt from Jazz and took a look hit from it.

"T that's not the point. You disrespected her and you hanging wit the enemy" she looks at me with a mug and smacks her teeth.

"Enemy? Kayla you trippin it wasn't even that serious since Z don't like Sin and we all know Lia be talking shit when she drunk so what's the problem!? Z is the problem cause she don't wanna apologize for fighting Lia for some dick that she ain't even suck" Jazz and I look at her like she has lost her damn mind.

"Wasn't you the one condoning the fight and I never really fucked wit Lia mean ass" I shrug before Wiz and Mike walk in.

"What's a moves whores?" Mike yells before kisses the top of Jazz head and slaps Toni on her head before hugging me.

"Wassup y'all?" Wiz waves and sits down on the couch next to me sighing.

Wiz and I be fucking here and there but we nothing serious just how I like it but I do have some strings attached to him especially when his dick be ruining my whole mental state, a bitch wanted him to spread his seed in her one time almost trapped my own damn self for his possessed dick, I don't do relationships though so it would never work out between us so we just best friends for now until one of us wants to talk about being something else.

"You tryna do upstairs mamas?" He whispers next to me so nobody can hear besides me.

"Yea let's go" I bite my lip and Wiz walks up to me before grabbing my hand leading me upstairs.

Ouuuu daddy time.

"We'll be back in a minute" I yell before going up to the room upstairs and closing it before locking it.

Before I could even turn around he grabs my neck and starts doing magic with his tongue in my mouth as we forcefully take each other's clothes off leaving us in nothing. He throws me in the bed and gets on top of me kissing down my neck onto my tits squeezing the other one tightly.

"Ahhhh" I arch my back feeling him pinch my nipple before rubbing it softly.

He wastes no time and grabs the back of my thighs holding them towards my head before rubbing his dick against my soaked lips.

"Pleaseee Wiz" I whine.

"Please what?" He enters the tip leaving it there making me cry out.

I try moving forward to get more it but he backs away making the tip fall out so whine more.

"Please daddy I want you to fuck m-" he slams into me hard making my scream turn into a moan feeling his dick throb against my walls.

"Fuckkkk" I cry out as he slides in and out slowly making me feel every stroke.

"F-faster" I moan feeling his dick ram in and out of me at a faster pace until he goes faster making my boobs bounce with each fast thrust.

"D-DADDYY IM GONNA-UHHHH" I come on his dick and he slides out making me whimper before he slaps the side of my ass telling me to flip over.

Fuck this shit gonna hurt.


I currently got done tattooing a client since I've been working since Monday and now it's Wednesday making the week feel like it's going slower each day. Eli walks in with my little god baby Zyla. I picked out her name because him and his baby mama didn't have no idea what to name her so when I suggested Zyla they automatically loved it.

"Heyy my little crazy devil" I walk over to her chubby self giggling.

I pick her up and kiss all over her face making her laugh and smile up at me.

"Wants my bad girl been up too?" I rock her back and forth.

"Getting on her daddy's nerves every minute she can" Eli rolls his eyes.

"Awww that's what my baby is suppose to do to daddy, right baby?" I kiss her chubby cheek before hugging Eli.

"Why you got my baby in this ratchet place" I hit his arm before Zyla giggles.

"Man Quanda trippin saying she don't want Zyla to not have a dad and shit like I don't pick her up every weekend or from her grandpa house" Eli and Quanda were best friends before they had a drunk night and she got pregnant on accident.

"If you want I'll talk to her and whenever you two need to just hang out to talk about that you know you could always call for me to babysit" I rub his chin hair as he relaxes.

"Thanks but me and Zy needa go to sleep, and why you act like a damn mom to everyone like damn, always knows what to say in a bad ass situation bruh" I laugh and shrug before handing Zyla back to him as she started fussing to come back to me.

"It's okay zyzy you'll see me later baby" I kiss her forehead and hug Eli before they leave to go home. My phone rings on my tattoo table so I pick it up seeing a income call from Ty making me smile before answering.

"Hey Ty" I get a little nervous since I didn't talk to him all day today.

"So you wasn't gonna tell a nigga hey today?" I laugh and shake my head forgetting he can't see me.

"No it's not like that. I've been stressing the whole day with shit" he hums and it goes into a comfortable silence.

"I miss you" I smile wide as fuck knowing I probably look like a happy cheeseball.

"I miss you too Ty..." I bite my lip feeling butterflies once again.

"Yea right...." He says sarcastically causing me to gasp.

"What you mean you guess? I do miss you baby I just been stressing" I panic knowing I just said baby.

"Well you wanna meet up at that taco place on 4th street since you miss me so much" I can feel him smirking throw the phone.

"Yea I'll be there in 30" I start packing up my equipment.

"Okay see you there" he hangs up and I start smiling to myself.

I think I'm starting to really like him.



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Thank you babes🤎😩

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