Finale chapter

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9 Years Later....

"BAM BAM! KAYLEN! COME DOWN BEFORE YOUR FOOD GETS COLD " I flip the pancakes hearing their little feet run down the steps.

"Good morning mama" my beautiful baby girl smiles up at me hugging my leg.

She's always so clingy.

I had my 8 year old daughter on august 28 the same day I graduated from college as a RN nurse just like I said I would, her name is Bambi Hope Miller and I don't regret having her even if it was with a terrible man like Simon but I do regret my failed attempt because I would've been so upset to not have an amazing daughter like her.

"Good morning auntie ZyZy" I kiss Kaylen on his head and smile.

"Good Morning Kay" He smiles and looks just like Kayla.

After two years I found what Kayla was talking about when she was letting out  her last breath to find adoption papers since she was trying to get Kaylen back in her arms before it was too late but her time came sooner than it was suppose to happen so I took the responsibility on raising him on my own which I don't mind not one bit.

"Aunties here!" Bambam shouted and jumped out her seat.

Lord she's gonna be the death of me.

"Hey little munchkin where is Kaylen and mama" I put Kaylens pancakes on his plate before putting some in Bambams little bowl.

"Right here!!!" I look up and playfully roll my eyes picking up my baby to put her back in her seat.

"Hey Auntie Chanel" I smile and hug her.

"Hey baby Z" she whispers into my shoulder.

We talked and made up after Sin's case so there is no bad blood between us especially since she was the one that contacted me about the plan which helped me become who I am today so I'm certainly grateful for her.

"You been eating? Any night terrors? Do you still see him? Is your medication working? Do I need to-"

"No auntie I'm fine everything had gotten better I promise I've gotten better" she lets out a breath and smiles.

"That's good dear" she rubs my cheek and I relax into her hand.

"You must be out yo rabbit ass mind" I break my neck and look at bambam sitting up in her seat squinting.

This kid is definitely Simons.

"Bad! Now apologize before you get a spanking and I ain't playing Bambi" I glare at her and she puts her head down on the verge of tears.

She's definitely my kid.

"I'm s-sorry Kay Kay" she mumbles starting to cry and pout.

"It's okay Bambam" Kaylen shrug not caring.

"Now why did you say that to him?" She turns to me and gives me the biggest brown eyes I've ever seen.

Don't fall for it.

"H-he said l-look and I couldn't s-see so I said it c-cause he was being a- a dumb dumb" I try to hold in my laugh feeling bad she got her daddy eyesight.

"It's okay just be nice while mama is gone so auntie Chanel will be here okay?" Kaylen nods and Bambi shakes her head grabbing my leg once again.

I grab her and kiss all over her face as she lets out her little giggles and laughs until I give her one final kiss before going to Kaylen and kissing his head saying a small bye.

"Okay I'm heading out" I hug Chanel one last time and head out the door.

I've been healthy mentally and physically with myself and my situation but the best way for me to become fully over it is by talking about it to a therapist, Ms.Fisher is an amazing lady that's been talking to me for a two years now and I come to her whenever I possibly can since I'm so busy at the hospital or tattooing here and there so knowing I have the time to just relax and talk to someone I trust is great for the beginning of the day. I walk in and the front desk lady already knows me so she just lets me in with a smile including a hug since I haven't been here for over a month leaving me to journaling everything since I was too busy with either my Job or the kids.

BAMBI | unedited|Where stories live. Discover now