Chapter 16

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"Sit. Now!" I look up and see my father.

Fuck me.

"What are you even doing here?" I take my shoes off feeling my happiness die.

"I'm your da-"

"No." I say with a stale face and go up to my room to put my shoes in my closet.

I hear him coming up the stairs so I go out my room and block his way from coming upstairs and glare.

"Kitchen." I walk downstairs with him and he sucks his teeth sitting across from me at the table.

"You look just like your mother.." I keep a stale face not even wanting to have this conversation.

"You mean the lady you left for your secret whore?" He clenched his tattooed arm trying to calm himself down.

I have the same problems as my dad especially when it comes to my attitude and anger but I am worse with my attitude while he is worse with his anger.

Of course he is worse with his anger.

"Zyana watch it. I'm here to fix our relationship and explain to you what happened between your mom and I" I nod and let him continue.

"Your mom and I were going through a rough patch when it came to income. We got into it a couple time so I left." I roll my eyes and sigh.

"Left me while you went and made another family disregarding your daughter" my leg starts to bounce.

"Yes and that was a mistake and now I know that but it's not my fault-"

"How is it not your fucking fault?" I bang on the table getting loud.

"How could it possibly not be your fucking fault?" I scream.

"Your fucking mom set me up!" He yells getting up making his chair fall causing me to flinch a little.

"Well maybe if you wasn't doing shady shit she wouldn't be allowed to set your ass up! Get the fuck out before I call the police... and I know you're on parole nigga" he laughs and I push his chest to get him out.

"Listen little girl! And listen carefully! You will sit your ass down and listen to me!" I mug him and smack my teeth.

"You need a ass whopping for your fucking attitude! I should've never left you with Chanel look at you...hoeing with some boy and kissing him like you know him" he chuckles and that was my last straw.

I slapped him.

"Look Micheal you don't fucking know me" I get in his face.

"You couldn't be my dad even if you had a damn hand book for that shit so don't you dare! Talk on Ty cause he's been in my life longer than you can even imagine now get the fuck OUT!" He rubs his cheek and walks towards the door and opens it.

"I'm working with Sin...." I freeze.

"Oh Zyana... you are fucked after I tell him the shit I've seen....he owned you from the beginning" he smirked looking back at me and slamming the door.

What the fuck? Owned?

I ran to my room just wanting the world to swallow me whole as his words and memories keep invading my head. I feel the walls closing in on me and I collapse in the bell crying my eyes out losing breath.

"Help!" I cry out and pass out.

CHANEL (Zyana Auntie) POV:

I'm starting to regret helping Micheal talk to Z especially when she didn't want to in the first place. I just don't know with her, she's been through a lot and saw a lot at a young age but that's not her fault when it comes with her growing up at a young age but now I can't do anything because it's already too late.


I pick up my phone not looking at the caller ID.

"It's Chanel wassup?" I continue driving.

"I got done talking to zyana but ha lil ass too fucking grown, it's yo fault her fast ass out here kissing niggas and you know you not suppose to allow dat shit!" Micheal yelled.

"It's not my fault or my baby Z fault Micheal! Take responsibility for yo actions. She's a female version of yo ass and Tamika" he smacks his teeth.

"We made a deal. I'll give you the money in a couple days" he hangs up and I'm back in my thoughts.

Maybe I made a mistake.

I pull up to the drive way and see Z's light on when I know ha ass got school in the morning and it's 4 in the morning so why is this lil girl up, I get out making sure to lock my car door before coming in the house seeing the house is still the same. Good they ain't throw nun of my shit. I walk up the stairs and open the door about to cuss her out about my light bill until I see her on the ground and Bruno trying to get her up whimpering.

"Zyana!!!!" I yell shaking her while Bruno bites me.

"Ahhh fucker" I push him into his crate and call 911.

"MY NEICE IS UNCONSCIOUS AND NEEDS A DOCTOR NOW!" I cry yelling it into the phone.

"What!? AN HOUR ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!" I yell and hang up.

The fucking projects never get help.

I turn her on her back since she was laying on her side and started going CPR.

"Fuck! Zyana come on baby!" I continue but nothing works.

I cry and panic picking up my phone before calling the only person I know could help her in this situation.

"Please help her." I continue crying.

She's gonna hate me.

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